~~Title: Efl.Pointer.Action~~ ===== Description ===== %%Pointer event type. Represents which kind of event this is.%% //Since 1.19// {{page>:develop:api-include:efl:pointer:action:description&nouser&nolink&nodate}} ===== Fields ===== {{page>:develop:api-include:efl:pointer:action:fields&nouser&nolink&nodate}} * **none** - %%Not a valid event, or nothing new happened (eg. when querying current state of touch points).%% * **move** - %%Mouse or equivalent pointer moved.%% * **down** - %%Mouse button or equivalent pointer pressed down. Always followed by up or cancel.%% * **up** - %%Mouse button or equivalent pointer released. See also cancel.%% * **cancel** - %%Special event happening after a down if the up counterpart can not happen (eg. another window forcibly stole the focus).%% * **in** - %%Mouse or pointer entered the object.%% * **out** - %%Mouse or pointer exited the object.%% * **wheel** - %%Mouse wheel scroll, horizontally or vertically.%% * **axis** - %%Axis event (pen, stick, ...).%% ===== Signature ===== enum Efl.Pointer.Action { none: 0, move, down, up, cancel, in, out, wheel, axis } ===== C signature ===== typedef enum { EFL_POINTER_ACTION_NONE = 0, EFL_POINTER_ACTION_MOVE, EFL_POINTER_ACTION_DOWN, EFL_POINTER_ACTION_UP, EFL_POINTER_ACTION_CANCEL, EFL_POINTER_ACTION_IN, EFL_POINTER_ACTION_OUT, EFL_POINTER_ACTION_WHEEL, EFL_POINTER_ACTION_AXIS } Efl_Pointer_Action;