~~Title: Efl.Ui.View_Model.property_logic_add~~ ====== Efl.Ui.View_Model.property_logic_add ====== ===== Description ===== %%Add callbacks that will be triggered when someone ask for the specified property name when getting or setting a property.%% %%A get or set should at least be provided for this call to succeed.%% %%See %%[[:develop:api:efl:ui:view_model:method:property_logic_del|Efl.Ui.View_Model.property_logic_del]]%%%% //Since 1.23// {{page>:develop:api-include:efl:ui:view_model:method:property_logic_add:description&nouser&nolink&nodate}} ===== Signature ===== property_logic_add @beta { params { @in property: string; @in get: EflUiViewModelPropertyGet; @in set: EflUiViewModelPropertySet; @in binded: iterator; } return: Eina.Error; } ===== C signature ===== Eina_Error efl_ui_view_model_property_logic_add(Eo *obj, const char *property, EflUiViewModelPropertyGet get, EflUiViewModelPropertySet set, Eina_Iterator *binded); ===== Parameters ===== * **property** //(in)// - %%The property to bind on to.%% * **get** //(in)// - %%Define the get callback called when the %%[[:develop:api:efl:model:property:property|Efl.Model.property.get]]%% is called with the above property name.%% * **set** //(in)// - %%Define the set callback called when the %%[[:develop:api:efl:model:property:property|Efl.Model.property.set]]%% is called with the above property name.%% * **binded** //(in)// - %%Iterator of property name to bind with this defined property see %%[[:develop:api:efl:ui:view_model:method:property_bind|Efl.Ui.View_Model.property_bind]]%%.%% ===== Implemented by ===== * [[:develop:api:efl:ui:view_model:method:property_logic_add|Efl.Ui.View_Model.property_logic_add]]