--- ~~Title: The Eina Programming Guide~~ ~~NOCACHE~~ --- # The Eina Programming Guide # ``Eina`` provides data types and useful tools. The ``Eina`` library implements an *application programming interface (API)* for data types in an efficient way. It also provides some useful tools for tasks including opening shared libraries, error management, type conversion, time accounting, and memory pools. ## Contents ## * **Data Types** * [Iterator Functions](iterator-functions.md) * [Strings](strings.md) * [Arrays](arrays.md) * [Hash Tables](hash-tables.md) * [Lists](lists.md) * [Generic Value](generic-value.md) * [Promises and Futures](futures.md) * **Eina Tools** * [Logging](tools/logging.md) * [String Tool](tools/eina-string-tool.md) * [Memory Pools](tools/eina-mempool.md) * [Safety Checks](tools/eina-safety-checks.md)