=== EFL 1.22.1 release === * //2019-04-17 - by Mike Blumenkrantz// Our first update on the 1.22 release series. ==Fixes:== * remove vpath test for user dir the test was broken and fixing is insane (T7728) * tests - fix check header to always include eina due to windows * evas - fix crash/junk pixel content but with tiled rotate at 270 + neon * tests - remove one of the eina strtod tests as libc is failing * ecore_imf: do not loop forever on shutdown when there is no more a display * efl_ui_list: fix to delete sub objects in efl_object_invalidate * efl_ui_widget: Fix disabled set calling without meaning. (T7799) ==Download:== ^ ** LINK ** ^ ** SHA256 ** ^ | [[http://download.enlightenment.org/rel/libs/efl/efl-1.22.1.tar.xz | efl-1.22.1.tar.xz ]] | 20d3e5e945d54ae46ec916c7341b5dec24f904b6c0123b4d3ecb8cd8d596ae12 |