=== EFL 1.23.3 release === * //2019-11-27 - by Mike Blumenkrantz// ==Fixes:== * elementary: handle case when XFIXES is not available. (T8321) * ecore: remove unecessary field in data structure. * eina: only the type need to be NULL to assume EINA_VALUE_EMPTY. * tests/eina: use #ifdef guard for block which can only occur inside ifdef (CID1400948) * mono: remove duplicated EinaFreeCb delegate * mono: blacklist efl_ui_text_context_menu_item_add * Revert "elm/genlist: don't process entire item queue on each item add" * tests/spec: allow for a longer timeout of the spec suite for dist build * travis/ci: update Fedora CI images to 31 * ci: work around ccache segafult during setup * travis: update Ubuntu image to the 19.10 release * docs: Efl.Gfx.View * check: reset flags that used for legacy 'changed' cb * elementary: fix end of fast scroll not showing up during Efl.Ui.CollectionView scroll. * edje_calc: UNLIKELY changed to LIKELY. * elm_config: replace ecore_file_cp with ecore_file_mv * csharp:comma have whitespace after and none before * csharp: Removing a never used class. (T8417) * elementary: cleanup Eina_Future properly by relying on efl_future_then proper lifecycle. * elementary: properly handle in flight request in Efl.Ui.CollectionView. * elementary: watch event on the model Efl.Ui.CollectionView use directly. * ci: fix ccache segfault during setup on CI in release-ready build * evas_filter: remove shader compile error * Efl.Ui.Scroll_Manager: Fix indentation * eolian_mono: avoid keyword as a variable name * wl_egl : Prevent access to NULL pointer * eolian-cxx: Make events inherit beta info from klass. * Revert "elm/genlist: remove calc jobs" * Revert "tests/genlist: add behavior testing for nearly all genlist events" ==Download:== ^ ** LINK ** ^ ** SHA256 ** ^ | [[http://download.enlightenment.org/rel/libs/efl/efl-1.23.3.tar.xz | efl-1.23.3.tar.xz ]] | 53cea69eaabe443a099fb204b7353e968e7bb62b41fbb0da24451403c7a56901 |