~~Title: Efl.Exe_Signal~~ ===== Description ===== %%Signal is a notification, a message sent by either operating system or some application to our program. Signals are a mechanism for one-way asynchronous notifications. A signal may be sent from the kernel to a process, from a process to another process, or from a process to itself. Signal typically alert a process to some event, such as a segmentation fault, or the user pressing Ctrl-C.%% {{page>:develop:api-include:efl:exe_signal:description&nouser&nolink&nodate}} ===== Fields ===== {{page>:develop:api-include:efl:exe_signal:fields&nouser&nolink&nodate}} * **int** - %%Terminal interrupt.%% * **quit** - %%Terminal quit.%% * **term** - %%Termination.%% * **kill** - %%Kill(can't be caught or ignored).%% * **cont** - %%Continue executing, if stopped.%% * **stop** - %%Stop executing(can't be caught or ignored).%% * **hup** - %%Hangup.%% * **usr1** - %%User defined signal 1.%% * **usr2** - %%User defined signal 2.%% ===== Signature ===== enum Efl.Exe_Signal { int: 0, quit, term, kill, cont, stop, hup, usr1, usr2 } ===== C signature ===== typedef enum { EFL_EXE_SIGNAL_INT = 0, EFL_EXE_SIGNAL_QUIT, EFL_EXE_SIGNAL_TERM, EFL_EXE_SIGNAL_KILL, EFL_EXE_SIGNAL_CONT, EFL_EXE_SIGNAL_STOP, EFL_EXE_SIGNAL_HUP, EFL_EXE_SIGNAL_USR1, EFL_EXE_SIGNAL_USR2 } Efl_Exe_Signal;