
Current support work is being done to enable client-side applications and a wayland compositor. Currently EFL applications that use the lower-level Ecore-Evas and higher level Elementary API's will work and display correctly in a Wayland compositor, handle input, resizing and moving. Client-side frames are already provided. Both Shared-memory buffers AND EGL/OpenGL-ES2 buffers are supported. The Shared-memory buffers are purely CPU-rendered, meaning that they will work with or without OpenGL hardware acceleration support. They are fast and usable. The OpenGL-ES2 display is fully accelerated with all primitives being rendered by OpenGL (Hardware acceleration) and already work fully due to a long history of supporting this under X11 and other embedded EGL/OpenGL-ES2 environments.

Work is currently underway to land a complete Wayland compositor (stand-alone, no X11 needed) into the master branch of Enlightenment. At this stage, we are undergoing heavy testing and resolving any issues. We will definitely need to extend Wayland protocol to make a fully functioning desktop or mobile environment, but what we do have (based on the existing wayland protocol) is quite usable.

All the source code for Wayland support is already in our source code repositories. You will need to check them out. Please see our Contribute page for information there.

EFL is currently tracking Wayland master and will not function with the 0.85 release.

Current Status

[Evas Engines]



Building Wayland Support

The following instructions assume that you have Wayland/Weston installed as per http://wayland.freedesktop.org/building.html

These steps assume that you have the environment variables set as per the above building instructions.

[Compiling EFL]

To compile EFL with Wayland support, you should compile EFL as you normally would, and enable the desired below options:

[Compiling Enlightenment]

To compile Enlightenment with Wayland Client support, you should compile Enlightenment as you normally would, and enable the desired below options:


For Elementary apps (almost all EFL apps) just set the ELM_DISPLAY=wl environment variable.

For Enlightenment simply log into any VT/TTY console and run enlightenment_start.

XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable to be set. If it is not set by your distribution, please consult documentation for your distribution on the proper way to set it. If none is set, then the Enlightenment X11 Compositor will use /tmp by default.