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Apply a rotation to the object.

This rotates the object clockwise by degrees degrees, around the center specified by the relative position (cx, cy) in the pivot object. If pivot is null then this object is used as its own pivot center. 360 degrees is a full rotation, equivalent to no rotation. Negative values for degrees will rotate clockwise by that amount.

The coordinates are set relative to the given pivot object. If its geometry changes, then the absolute position of the rotation center will change accordingly.

By default, the center is at (0.5, 0.5). 0.0 means left or top while 1.0 means right or bottom of the pivot object.

Since 1.22


rotate {
    params {
        @in degrees: double;
        @in pivot: const(Efl.Gfx.Entity);
        @in cx: double;
        @in cy: double;

C signature

void efl_gfx_mapping_rotate(Eo *obj, double degrees, const Efl_Gfx_Entity *pivot, double cx, double cy);


Implemented by