Table of Contents


Type defining gradient stops. Describes the location and color of a transition point in a gradient.

Since 1.14


  • offset - The location of the gradient stop within the gradient vector
  • r - The component R color of the gradient stop
  • g - The component G color of the gradient stop
  • b - The component B color of the gradient stop
  • a - The component A color of the gradient stop


struct Efl.Gfx.Gradient_Stop {
    offset: double;
    r: int;
    g: int;
    b: int;
    a: int;

C signature

typedef struct _Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop {
    double offset;
    int r;
    int g;
    int b;
    int a;
} Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop;