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Removes the grab on keyname key events by obj.

Removes a key grab on obj if keyname, modifiers, and not_modifiers match.

See also Efl.Canvas.Object.key_grab, Efl.Canvas.Object.key_focus.get, Efl.Canvas.Object.key_focus.set, and the legacy API evas_focus_get.

Since 1.22


key_ungrab {
    params {
        @in keyname: string;
        @in modifiers: Efl.Input.Modifier;
        @in not_modifiers: Efl.Input.Modifier;

C signature

void efl_canvas_object_key_ungrab(Eo *obj, const char *keyname, Efl_Input_Modifier modifiers, Efl_Input_Modifier not_modifiers);


  • keyname (in) - The key the grab is set for.
  • modifiers (in) - A mask of modifiers that must be present to trigger the event.
  • not_modifiers (in) - A mask of modifiers that must not not be present to trigger the event.

Implemented by