Table of Contents

Efl.Net.Dialer_Udp (class)


Connects to a remote UDP server.

UDP proxies are not supported, not even using SOCKSv5.

In addition to an IP:PORT, the UDP address to dial may be an IPv4 broadcast (, 'any ip' (IPv4) '::' (IPv6) or a multicast of both IPv4 and IPv6, then the group will be joined automatically.

Any IP ( or '::') and multicast addresses will allow incoming packets on regardless of their source. If using a regular IP, packets that do not match the remote peer will be dropped as spurious, returning EAGAIN.

To allow finer control, see:

- Efl.Net.Socket_Udp.bind: choose the local address to bind. - Efl.Net.Socket_Udp.multicast_join: join other multicast groups. - Efl.Net.Socket_Udp.multicast_loopback: if packets should be delivered locally or only to remote peers. - Efl.Net.Socket_Udp.multicast_time_to_live: how far, in number of hops, the packet should go.


Efl.Net.Socket_Udp (class)Efl.Net.Socket_Fd (class)Efl.Loop_Fd (class)Efl.Loop_Consumer (class)Efl.Object (class)

Full hierarchy


address_dial (get, set) protected set [Overridden from Efl.Net.Dialer]

Returns the address given to Efl.Net.Dialer.dial.
const char *efl_net_dialer_address_dial_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_net_dialer_address_dial_set(Eo *obj, const char *address);

close [Overridden from Efl.Io.Closer]

Closes the Input/Output object.
Eina_Error efl_io_closer_close(Eo *obj);

connected (get, set) protected set [Overridden from Efl.Net.Dialer]

Returns whenever the socket is connected or not.
Eina_Bool efl_net_dialer_connected_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_net_dialer_connected_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool connected);

constructor [Overridden from Efl.Object]

Implement this method to provide optional initialization code for your object.
Efl_Object *efl_constructor(Eo *obj);

destructor [Overridden from Efl.Object]

Implement this method to provide deinitialization code for your object if you need it.
void efl_destructor(Eo *obj);

dial [Overridden from Efl.Net.Dialer]

Dials to the remote peer.
Eina_Error efl_net_dialer_dial(Eo *obj, const char *address);

invalidate [Overridden from Efl.Object]

Implement this method to perform special actions when your object loses its parent, if you need to.
void efl_invalidate(Eo *obj);

timeout_dial (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.Net.Dialer]

The timeout in seconds to use for dialing/connecting.
double efl_net_dialer_timeout_dial_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_net_dialer_timeout_dial_set(Eo *obj, double seconds);


close_on_exec (get, set) If true will automatically close resources on exec() calls.
close_on_invalidate (get, set) If true will automatically close() on object invalidate.
protected set closer_fd (get, set) Closer file descriptor
protected set reader_fd (get, set) Reader file descriptor
protected set writer_fd (get, set) Writer file descriptor
future_rejected Creates a new future that is already rejected to a specified error using the Efl.Loop_Consumer.loop.get.
future_resolved Creates a new future that is already resolved to a value.
loop (get)
promise_new Create a new promise with the scheduler coming from the loop provided by this object.
fd_file (get, set) Defines which file descriptor to watch when watching a file.
parent (get, set) The parent of an object.
proxy (get, set) Controls/retrieves if the dialer should use a proxy.
protected set address_local (get, set) The local address, similar to getsockname().
protected set address_remote (get, set) The remote address, similar to getpeername().
protected set can_read (get, set) If true will notify can be called without blocking or failing.
protected set can_write (get, set) If true will notify Efl.Io.Writer.write can be called without blocking or failing.
closed (get)
protected set eos (get, set) If true will notify end of stream.
protected set family (get, set) The address family (AF_*) family of this socket.
finalize Implement this method to finish the initialization of your object after all (if any) user-provided configuration methods have been executed.
bind (get, set) Forces binding to a specific address.
cork (get, set) Controls UDP's cork using UDP_CORK
dont_route (get, set) Avoids sent UDP packets being routed by a gateway, limiting them to the local network.
fd (get, set) Defines which file descriptor to watch. If it is a file, use file_fd variant.
multicast_groups_get Returns the multicast groups this server has joined.
multicast_join Joins a multicast group.
multicast_leave Leaves a multicast group.
multicast_loopback (get, set) Controls whenever multicast will loopback packets locally.
multicast_time_to_live (get, set) Controls time to live in number of hops.
next_datagram_size_query Queries the next datagram size.
read Reads data into a pre-allocated buffer.
reuse_address (get, set) Controls address reuse() using SO_REUSEADDR
reuse_port (get, set) Controls port reuse() using SO_REUSEPORT (since Linux 3.9)
write Writes data from a pre-populated buffer.
protected init Initializes the socket to communicate with a given IP address
allow_parent_unref (get, set) Allow an object to be deleted by unref even if it has a parent.
children_iterator_new Get an iterator on all children.
comment (get, set) A human readable comment for the object.
composite_attach Make an object a composite object of another.
composite_detach Detach a composite object from another object.
composite_part_is Check if an object is part of a composite object.
debug_name_override Build a read-only name for this object used for debugging.
event_callback_forwarder_del Remove an event callback forwarder for a specified event and object.
event_callback_forwarder_priority_add Add an event callback forwarder that will make this object emit an event whenever another object (source) emits it. The event is said to be forwarded from source to this object.
event_callback_stop Stop the current callback call.
event_freeze Freeze events of this object.
event_freeze_count (get)
static event_global_freeze Globally freeze events for ALL EFL OBJECTS.
static event_global_freeze_count (get)
static event_global_thaw Globally thaw events for ALL EFL OBJECTS.
event_thaw Thaw events of object.
finalized (get)
invalidated (get)
invalidating (get)
name (get, set) The name of the object.
name_find Find a child object with the given name and return it.
provider_find Searches upwards in the object tree for a provider which knows the given class/interface.
provider_register Will register a manager of a specific class to be answered by Efl.Object.provider_find.
provider_unregister Will unregister a manager of a specific class that was previously registered and answered by Efl.Object.provider_find.



closed Notifies closed, when property is marked as true
can_read,changed Notifies can_read property changed.
eos Notifies end of stream, when property is marked as true.
can_write,changed Notifies can_write property changed.
error Called when a error occurred on the file descriptor
read Called when a read happened on the file descriptor
write Called when a write happened on the file descriptor
dialer,connected Notifies the socket is connected to the remote peer.
dialer,error Some error happened and the socket stopped working.
dialer,resolved Notifies Efl.Net.Dialer.address_dial was resolved to Efl.Net.Socket.address_remote.
del Object is being deleted. See Efl.Object.destructor.
destruct Object has been fully destroyed. It can not be used beyond this point. This event should only serve to clean up any reference you keep to the object.
invalidate Object is being invalidated and losing its parent. See Efl.Object.invalidate.
noref Object has lost its last reference, only parent relationship is keeping it alive. Advanced usage.
ownership,shared Object has acquired a second reference. It has multiple owners now. Triggered whenever increasing the refcount from one to two, it will not trigger by further increasing the refcount beyond two.
ownership,unique Object has lost a reference and only one is left. It has just one owner now. Triggered whenever the refcount goes from two to one.