Edje Blocks

A typical Edje file starts with the following definitions:

images {}
fonts {}
color_classes {}
styles {}
      tone: "tone-1" 2300;
      tone: "tone-2" 2300;
         name: "sound1" RAW;
         source: "sound_file1.wav";
   group {}
   group {}
This guide is based on original work from Andres Blanc (dresb) andresblanc@gmail.com, it has been heavily expanded and edited since then.

Table of Contents

Images Block

   image: "filename1.ext" COMP;
   image: "filename2.ext" LOSSY 99;
   set {}
   set {}

The images block is used to list each image file which are used in the theme. If any compression method is used, it is also defined here. Besides the document's root, additional images blocks can be included inside other blocks, usually collections, group, and part. This makes file list maintenance easier when the theme is split among multiple files.

  • RAW: Uncompressed
  • COMP: Lossless compression
  • LOSSY [0-100]: JPEG lossy compression with quality from 0 to 100
  • USER: Not embedded to the file, refer to the external file instead

Images.set Block

   name: "image_name_used";
   image {}
   image {}

The set block is used to define an image with different content depending on their size. Besides the document's root, additional set blocks can be included inside other blocks, normally collections, group and part. This makes file list maintenance easier when the theme is split among multiple files.

  • name [image name]

Images.set.image Block

   image: "filename4.ext" COMP;
   size: 51 51 200 200;
   border: 0 0 0 0;
   border_scale_by: 0.0;

The image block inside a set block defines the characteristic of an image. Every block describes one image and the size rule to use it.

For full documentation, see Image.

  • image [image file] [compression method] (compression level)
    This is included in each image file. The full path to the directory holding the images can be defined later with edje_cc's -id option. Available compression methods are:
    • RAW: Uncompressed
    • COMP: Lossless compression
    • LOSSY [0-100]: JPEG lossy compression with quality from 0 to 100
    • USER: Not embedded to the file, refer to the external file instead
  • size [minw] [minh] [maxw] [maxh]
    Defines the minimum and maximum size that selects the specified image.
  • border [left] [right] [top] [bottom]
    If set, the area (in pixels) of each side of the image is displayed as a fixed size border, from the side to inwards, preventing the corners from being changed on a resize.
  • border_scale_by [value]
    If border scaling is enabled then normally the OUTPUT border sizes (e.g. if 3 pixels on the left edge are set as a border, then normally at scale 1.0, those 3 columns are always the exact 3 columns of output, or at scale 2.0 they will be 6 columns, or 0.33 they will merge into a single column). This property multiplies the input scale factor by this multiplier, allowing the creation of supersampled borders to make much higher resolution outputs possible by always using the highest resolution artwork and then runtime scaling it down. Valid values are: 0.0 or bigger (0.0 or 1.0 to turn it off).

Fonts Block

   font: "filename1.ext" "fontname";
   font: "filename2.ext" "otherfontname";

The fonts block is used to list each font file with an alias used later in the theme. As with the images block, additional fonts blocks can be included inside other blocks.

  • font [font filename] [font alias]
    Defines each font file and alias, the full path to the directory containing the font files can be defined with edje_cc's -fd option.

Data Block

   item: "key" "value";
   file: "otherkey" "filename.ext";

This block behaves in the same way as the data block inside the parts, only the use-cases are different: this is useful for data that is for the whole theme, for instance license information, version, authors, and so on.

Color_classes Block

      name: "colorclassname";
      color: [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255];
      color2: [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255];
      color3: [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255];

The color_classes block contains a list of one or more color_class blocks. Each color_class allows the designer to name an arbitrary group of colors to be used in the theme, the application can use that name to alter the color values at runtime.

  • name [color class name]
    Sets the name for the color class, used as reference by both the theme and

the application.

  • color [red] [green] [blue] [alpha]
    The main color.
  • color2 [red] [green] [blue] [alpha]
    Used as outline in text and textblock parts.
  • color3 [red] [green] [blue] [alpha]
    Used as shadow in text and textblock parts.

Styles Block

      name: "stylename";
      base: "..default style properties..";
      tag: "tagname" "..style properties..";

The styles block contains a list of one or more style blocks. A style block is used to create style <tags> for advanced TEXTBLOCK formatting.

  • name [style name]
    The name of the style to be used as reference later in the theme.
  • base [style properties string] The default style properties that is applied to the complete text. The available tags that can be used in the style property are the following:
    • font
    • font_size
    • color
    • color_class
    • text_class
    • ellipsis
    • wrap
    • style
    • valign
    • align
The font size is a point size, and the size of the rendered text is affected by the ppi information. The system basic ppi is 96, and you can change it on the Emulator menu.
  • tag [tag name] [style properties string]
    Style to be applied only to text between style <tags>..</tags>. When creating paired tags, like <bold></bold>, a '+' sign must be added at the start of the style properties of the first part (<bold>). If the second part (</bold>) is also defined, a '-' sign must be added to its style properties. This applies only to paired tags; single tags, like <tab>, must not have a starting '+'.
    • br
    • tab
    • b
    • match

The following code is the sample of a text style for the text style:

   name: "list_text_main";
   base: "font=Sans:style=Regular font_size=30 color=#ffffff ellipsis=1.0";
   tag: "br" "\n";\
   tag: "ps" "ps";\
   tag: "tab" "\t";\
   tag: "b" "+ font_weight=Bold";

Collections Block

   base_scale: 1.8;
      tone: "tone-1" 2300;
      tone: "tone-2" 440;
         name: "sound_file1" RAW;
         source: "sound_file1.wav";
      name: "groupname";
      alias: "anothername;"
      min: width height;
      max: width height;
      parts {}
      scripts {}
      limits {}
      data {}
      programs {}

The collections block is used to list the groups that compose the theme. Additional collections blocks do not prevent overriding group names.

The sounds block contains a list of one or more sound sample and tone items.

Base Scale

  • base_scale: [scale factor]
    Information about the scale factor in the edc file.

Object scaling must be defined in the config.xml file of this application to show the application in a proper size in other devices. However, the scaling must be based on the scale 1.0 or, if the application is based on another scale, this scale must be defined in the config.xml file. This predefined scale is called the “base scale”.

The size of a scalable object is multiplied with the device scale value. If the scalable object with the size 10 is created in a device with the scale 1.0, the size of the object is 20 in a device with the scale 2.0, and 40 in a device with the scale 4.0.

Sounds Block

  • tone [tone name] [frequency]
    A sound of the given frequency.

Sounds.sample Block

The sample block defines the sound sample.

  • name [sample name] [compression type] (quality)
    Used to include each sound file. The full path to the directory holding the sounds can be defined later with edje_cc's -sd option. Valid types are:
    • RAW: Uncompressed
    • COMP: Lossless compression
    • LOSSY [-0.1 - 1.0]: Lossy compression with quality from 0.0 to 1.0
    • AS_IS: No compression or encoding, write the file information as it is
  • source [file name]
    The sound source file name (source can be mono/stereo WAV file. Only files with 44.1 KHz sample rate are supported for now).