

Sets given cursors to the start and end positions of the annotation.

The cursors start and end will be set to the start and end positions of the given annotation annotation.


annotation_positions_get @pure_virtual {
    params {
        @in annotation: ptr(const(Efl.Text_Annotate_Annotation));
        @in start: ptr(Efl.Text_Cursor_Cursor);
        @in end: ptr(Efl.Text_Cursor_Cursor);

C signature

void efl_text_annotation_positions_get(Eo *obj, const Efl_Text_Annotate_Annotation *annotation, Efl_Text_Cursor_Cursor *start, Efl_Text_Cursor_Cursor *end);


  • annotation (in) - Annotation handle to query
  • start (in) - Cursor to be set to the start position of the annotation in the text
  • end (in) - Cursor to be set to the end position of the annotation in the text

Implemented by