
Structure holding the graph of relations between focusable objects.


  • right - List of objects to the right.
  • left - List of objects to the left.
  • top - List of objects above.
  • down - List of objects below.
  • next - Next object.
  • prev - Previous object.
  • parent - Parent object.
  • redirect - Redirect manager.
  • node - The node where this information is from.
  • logical - true if this is a logical (non-regular) node.
  • position_in_history - The position in the history stack.


struct @free(efl_ui_focus_relation_free) Efl.Ui.Focus.Relations {
    right: list<Efl.Ui.Focus.Object>;
    left: list<Efl.Ui.Focus.Object>;
    top: list<Efl.Ui.Focus.Object>;
    down: list<Efl.Ui.Focus.Object>;
    next: Efl.Ui.Focus.Object;
    prev: Efl.Ui.Focus.Object;
    parent: Efl.Ui.Focus.Object;
    redirect: Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager;
    node: Efl.Ui.Focus.Object;
    logical: bool;
    position_in_history: int;

C signature

typedef struct _Efl_Ui_Focus_Relations {
    Eina_List *right;
    Eina_List *left;
    Eina_List *top;
    Eina_List *down;
    Efl_Ui_Focus_Object *next;
    Efl_Ui_Focus_Object *prev;
    Efl_Ui_Focus_Object *parent;
    Efl_Ui_Focus_Manager *redirect;
    Efl_Ui_Focus_Object *node;
    Eina_Bool logical;
    int position_in_history;
} Efl_Ui_Focus_Relations;