~~Title: Efl.Gfx.Center_Fill_Mode~~ ===== Description ===== %%How an image's center region (the complement to the border region) should be rendered by EFL%% //Since 1.23// {{page>:develop:api-include:efl:gfx:center_fill_mode:description&nouser&nolink&nodate}} ===== Fields ===== {{page>:develop:api-include:efl:gfx:center_fill_mode:fields&nouser&nolink&nodate}} * **none** - %%Image's center region is %%''not''%% to be rendered%% * **default** - %%Image's center region is to be %%''blended''%% with objects underneath it, if it has transparency. This is the default behavior for image objects%% * **solid** - %%Image's center region is to be made solid, even if it has transparency on it%% ===== Signature ===== enum Efl.Gfx.Center_Fill_Mode { none: 0, default: 1, solid: 2 } ===== C signature ===== typedef enum { EFL_GFX_CENTER_FILL_MODE_NONE = 0, EFL_GFX_CENTER_FILL_MODE_DEFAULT = 1, EFL_GFX_CENTER_FILL_MODE_SOLID = 2 } Efl_Gfx_Center_Fill_Mode;