~~Title: Efl.Model.property_ready_get~~ ====== Efl.Model.property_ready_get ====== ===== Description ===== %%Get a future value when it changes to something that is not error:EAGAIN%% %%%%[[:develop:api:efl:model:property:property|Efl.Model.property.get]]%% can return an error with code EAGAIN when it doesn't have any meaningful value. To make life easier, this future will resolve when the error:EAGAIN disappears. Either into a failed future in case the error code changed to something else or a success with the value of the property whenever the property finally changes.%% %%The future can also be canceled if the model itself gets destroyed.%% //Since 1.23// {{page>:develop:api-include:efl:model:method:property_ready_get:description&nouser&nolink&nodate}} ===== Signature ===== property_ready_get @pure_virtual { params { @in property: string; } return: future; } ===== C signature ===== Eina_Future *efl_model_property_ready_get(Eo *obj, const char *property); ===== Parameters ===== * **property** //(in)// - %%Property name.%% ===== Implemented by ===== * [[:develop:api:efl:model:method:property_ready_get|Efl.Model.property_ready_get]] * [[:develop:api:efl:loop_model:method:property_ready_get|Efl.Loop_Model.property_ready_get]]