Go back to [[:develop:efl:advanced:eflgfxfilters|Efl.Gfx.Filter]]. ==== Fill modes ==== Similar to [[Evas.Fill_Mode]], the [[:develop:efl:advanced:eflgfxfilters|Efl.Gfx.Filter]] fill modes specify how to use an input buffer to paint in a buffer of different size, by stretching or repeating the image. Here is the list of all accepted fill modes that can be passed as value for ''fillmode'' arguments (in ''mask'', ''blend'', etc...). ^ Value ^ Meaning ^ Effect ^ | 'none' | Does not stretch or tile | {{:docs:efl:advanced:filter-fillmode-none.png|}} | | 'stretch_x' | Stretch horizontally only | {{:docs:efl:advanced:filter-fillmode-sx.png|}} | | 'stretch_y' | Stretch vertically only | {{:docs:efl:advanced:filter-fillmode-sy.png|}} | | 'stretch' \\ 'stretch_xy' | Stretch in both directions | {{:docs:efl:advanced:filter-fillmode-sxy.png|}} | | 'repeat_x' | Tile horizontally only | {{:docs:efl:advanced:filter-fillmode-rx.png|}} | | 'repeat_y' | Tile vertically only | {{:docs:efl:advanced:filter-fillmode-ry.png|}} | | 'repeat' \\ 'repeat_xy' | Tile in both directions | {{:docs:efl:advanced:filter-fillmode-rxy.png|}} | | 'stretch_x_repeat_y' \\ 'repeat_y_stretch_x' | Stretch horizontally, repeat vertically | {{:docs:efl:advanced:filter-fillmode-sxry.png|}} | | 'repeat_x_stretch_y' \\ 'stretch_y_repeat_x' | Stretch vertically, repeat horizontally | {{:docs:efl:advanced:filter-fillmode-rxsy.png|}} | == Example == The above images have been generated with the following filter code: b = buffer{ src = 'image2' } padding_set(20) fill { color = white } blend { src = b, fillmode = 'none' }