--- ~~Title: Developer Guides in C~~ ~~NOCACHE~~ --- # Unified API C Programming Guides # This section of the Enlightenment Wiki offers reference guides for the most commonly-used features of the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) and associated infrastructure. These guides are designed to supplement and support the step-by-step tutorials, which are written as a starting point for beginners who have not previously programmed using EFL. > **NOTE:** > The guides in this section use the latest beta release of the API, as noted in [Developing with the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries](/develop/start.md#Current_vs._Beta). Versions of these guides written for the current release can be found in the [Legacy section of the website](/develop/legacy/program_guide/start). > The guides in this section use the latest Unified API, as noted in [Developing with the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries](/develop/start.md#Legacy_vs_Unified_APIs). Versions of these guides written for the Legacy API can be found in the [Legacy section of the website](/develop/legacy/tutorial/start). * [Eina Programming Guide](eina/) * [Main Loop Programming Guide](core/main-loop.md) * [IO Programming Guide](core/io.md) * [Events Programming Guide](core/events.md) * [User Interface Sizing Programming Guide](ui/sizing.md) * [User Interface Focus Programming Guide](ui/focus.md) * [EFL C Porting Guide](porting-guide.md)