====== Javascript Bindings for the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) ====== The EFL is a framework providing a great deal of functionality, from operating system abstraction to UI drawing abstractions and many others. The Javascript bindings for EFL are available in two flavors: A node.js module and direct embedding with libv8. Both are built on top of the libv8 JS engine. Below follows a list of the EFL modules covered by the javascript bindings. For node.js users, all are available through the module **efl**. var efl = require('efl'); Supported modules * [[./ecore|Ecore]] - Operating system abstraction and integration. * [[./eio|Eio]] - Async input/output. * [[./eina|Eina]] - Data types and basic abstractions. * [[./ethumb|Ethumb]] - Generate thumbnail images of files. * [[./eldbus|Eldbus]] - Dbus-integration. ===== Under the hood ===== The Javascript binding is split into two big parts. The first is a //manual// binding, wich is described in this documentation. The //automatic// binding covers the Eo-based classes, built with automatically-generated code and will be covered later. Due to the C++ being the native language of the libv8, it's was also used to write the bindings, with the help of the C++ bindings for EFL.