{{page>index}} ------- ===== Init Ecore_Con ===== Before using the Ecore_Con library, it needs to be initialized. #include // Init ecore_con library. int ret = ecore_con_init(); // ret is the number of times the library has been initialized // without shutdown. ==== Asynchronous DNS lookup ==== We can do a simple DNS lookup using the following function: EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_con_lookup(const char * name, Ecore_Con_Dns_Cb done_cb, const void * data ) in which: * ''name'': the IP address or the server name to translate; * ''done_cb'': a callback to notify when the request is done; * ''data'': the data to be passed to the callback. The ''done_cb'' function prototype is : void done_cb(const char * canonname, const char * ip, struct sockaddr * addr, int addrlen, void * data ) where: * ''canonname'': the canonical name associated with the address; * ''ip'': the resolved IP address; * ''addr'': a pointer to the socket address; * ''addrlen'': the length of the socket address, in bytes; * ''data'': the data passed to the callback. As an example, we want to know the canonical name of the IP address. Let’s first declare the ''done_cb'' callback that will be called when the DNS lookup will finish. static void done_cb(const char *canonname, const char *ip, struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen, void *data) { printf(" name is %s\n", canonname); } Then we can call the ''ecore_con_lookup()'' function to do the query. // Call ecore_con_lookup. ret = ecore_con_lookup("", done_cb, NULL); // If ret is EINA_FALSE the request failed to set up. When the request succeeds it shall call the ''done_cb()'' callback that will printthe name associated with the IP address we gave. When the library is not be used anymore, it has to be shut down. // Shutdown the library. ret = ecore_con_shutdown(); ------ {{page>index}}