=== EFL 1.19.2 release === * //2017-08-17 - by Stefan Schmidt// The second and last release in our 1.19.x series. This maintenance release makes sure we bring all latest fixes from the 1.19 stable branch into a last release. For further updates please switch to the 1.20.x series. ==Fixes:== * elm_code: fix cursor position and carriage return at EOF behaviour * elm_win: do not require mouse buttons to be pressed to activate csd move/resize * eina_tiler: use int size matching Eina_Rectangle internally to avoid overflow * elm_entry: request both text and markup when pasting * ecore-evas: account for framespace when processing mouse movement * ecore-wl2: split data offers into selection and drag * ecore-wl2: handle case where session recovery listener triggers on dead surface * ecore-wl2: correctly refcount display objects during events * ecore-wl2: remove ERR when trying to find the focused window id * ecore-wl2: do not offer a null mime first in ecore_wl2_offer_mimes_set() * ecore-wl2: use nonblocking event flush when disconnecting a client * ecore-evas-wayland: do not trigger resize operation when performing rotation * ecore-wl2: add copyright info to code copied from libX11 * ecore-wl2: block key->string translation when appropriate * ecore-wl2: permit null drag icon window in ecore_wl2_dnd_drag_start() * elput: use unrounded coords for subpixel struct members in events * ecore-evas: only apply cursor object cache for default pointer * ecore-evas: clear cursor object cache when setting default cursor * elput: store output w/h and apply to devices on creation * evas: better handle async device creation of default mouse * elm_code: Allow multibyte characters to be entered (T5496) * ecore-wl2: do not unref non-matching input device upon removal * evas: redo pointer data to be per-seat instead of per-device * ecore-audio: unset DISPLAY conditionally before processing pulse events (T2599) * ecore-ipc: don't return dead clients in ecore_ipc_server_clients_get (T5383) * efreet: don't raise ERR on empty file in efreet_xml_new() * ecore-evas: block buffer canvas events during deletion * evas_box: add safety check for adding box children to multiple boxes * elm_cursor: store and reapply non-elm cursors when setting an elm cursor * ecore-wl2: do not send exit event on disconnect if servers exist * evas: check object layer existence before deref to avoid crash * eina_log: make a log level of 0 disable the log domain * elm_list/genlist/gengrid: don't unselect items when moving the mouse out of them * eina - fix eina_file_virtualize to copy data to an aligned addr * edje_cc: Add copy item for proxy part * ecore-wl2: add display object refs for windows * ecore-wl2: create surfaces once compositor global is bound * elm_entry: don't update PRIMARY selection under wayland * eina: fix eina_tiler_equal to not always return true * ecore-evas-wayland: destroy frame callback on hide * elm_win: do not implement aspect_get() * elm_box: use correct aspect ratio for HORIZONTAL layout * elm_table: do not propagate max size * elput: unref devices in post event cb * elput: fix seat cleanup * elput: add refcounting for seats/devices ==Download:== ^ ** LINK ** ^ ** SHA256 ** ^ | [[http://download.enlightenment.org/rel/libs/efl/efl-1.19.2.tar.xz | efl-1.19.2.tar.xz ]] | f901f7e272a767d339815c8f77bc164d3afd42ef21143716bf6f3fa2ea3eb1c8 |