=== EFL 1.20.6 release === * //2017-11-23 - by Stefan Schmidt// Our sixth update on the 1.20 release. ==Fixes:== * efl ui win - make win centering work with multiple screens (T6323) * edje_cc: fix a memory leak issue when edje_cc writes images * evas gl generic/common - add more linking for gles mode to fix deb build (T6158) * edje_edit: duplicate assignment to variable. * ecore_wayland: fix assigned value is never used. * evas: Prevent crash with image_data_get (T5957) * elm_code_widget: make sure the widget is cleared properly. (T6185) * ecore_wl2: Remove just the flush from the idle handler (T6250) * elm_tooltip: set parent window for windowed tooltips * efl_wl: more closely follow wl spec for input regions * efl_wl: destroy extant shell surface upon surface deletion * ecore_cocoa: fix the backspace key * edje_cc: fix errors in documentation * edje_cc: add missing default values to documentation * edje_cc: fix color2 and color3 descriptions * edje_cc: fix state.no_render description * edje_cc: parse "fixed" as bool * edje_cc: fix incorrect type in minmul defaults * edje_cc: fix color_class description * edje_cc: move part_remove and program_remove to group * edje_cc: fix default color_class colors * edje_cc: fix spelling * edje_cc: make bool parsing consistent * edje_cc: make color parsing consistent * edje_cc: move box and table properties documentation * edje_cc: limit map.zoom to non-negative values * edje_cc: fix text.align description * edje_cc: fix program.filter description * edje_cc: fix item.max parsing * ecore-drm2: Fix issue of not being able to set output mode * evas-software-generic: Check for render engine function before calling * emotion: Fix data race condition (CID1381624) * ector: use cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba in gradient_radial * efl_gfx_path: fix typo in _path_bounds_get * efl net - handle proxy helper fails better and abort proxy lookups * Ctxpopup: resizing ctxpopup after its content is removed (T6327) * genlist: fix state corruption of content ==Download:== ^ ** LINK ** ^ ** SHA256 ** ^ | [[http://download.enlightenment.org/rel/libs/efl/efl-1.20.6.tar.xz | efl-1.20.6.tar.xz ]] | 56c67ea77435753a4f324a0a13488ba58f4ed7eb35a97c1a354fdc79c39a32c1 |