=== EFL 1.23.2 release === * //2019-10-31 - by Mike Blumenkrantz// ==Fixes:== * eet - fix loading eet files that do not have dicts (T8368) * ecore_evas/wl2 0 fux xdg close cb for window when it's closed remotely * wl egl - use platform get display * eina: fix network byte order swap funcs on big endian * eina: unbreak byteswap checks * eina: remove eina_config.h.in * eio - fbsd - make fd for monitored file close on exec (T7486) * csharp: Add since info to members related to events. (T8359) * evas_cache_image: drop image after replacement * evas_image: fix memory leak * evas filter: preserve text source color * elm: Fix potential leak in cv request add (CID1405809) * csharp: Add since documentation to Async methods (T8359) * csharp: updating efl_csharp_application docs. (T8345) * csharp: updating efl_all docs. (T8345) * csharp: updating UserModel docs. (T8345) * eolian: fix eolian errors with EOLIAN_ENFORCE_SINCE=1 * vg_common_json: Apply image's alpha color * canvas vg: don't draw images if it's full transparent. * evas/callbacks: emit hardcoded legacy smart callbacks always * eo: block "invalidate" event emission when there are no subscribers (T8321) * evas/smart: print actual errors when smart api functions are called on non-smarts * elm/layout: add some workarounds to try handling legacy min sizes * ecore_con: use only Eina_Magic infrastructure for set and check in Ecore_Con_Url. * csharp: updating eina_log docs. (T8293) * csharp: updating eina_list docs. (T8293) * csharp: updating eina_hash docs and hide api. (T8293) * csharp: updating eina_error docs. (T8293) * csharp: updating eina_container_common doc and api (T8293) * csharp: updating eina_config docs and hide api. (T8293) * csharp: updating eina_common docs and hide api. (T8293) * csharp: Updating eina_array docs and hide api. (T8293) * csharp: Remove test dependency on internal funcs * csharp: updating Factory docs. (T8345) * csharp: updating Bind docs and hide api. (T8345) * csharp: updating GenericModel.cs docs. (T8345) * vector json: use lottie apis case by case. * csharp: fix to write cref Eina.Array correctly * csharp: Fix promises docs and hide api (T8293) * csharp: Avoid direct usage of some dllimport funcs * tests/eina: fix assign when compare was intended (CID1400858) * lz4: fix potential div by zero (CID1404010) * csharp: Add since documentation to struct and struct fields * examples/evas: free map pointer in map example (CID1400959) * examples/eldbus: fix pointer leak on failure case (CID1400787) * efl_canvas_vg : Propagates the alpha color of the parent * csharp: rename Factory.cs to ItemFactory.cs * mono: make public static field const or readonly * csharp: updating eldbus_connection docs. (T8361) * csharp: updating eldbus_config docs. (T8361) * csharp: Updating eldbus_common docs. (T8361) * vector json: optimize logic. * vector json: fix a ordering issue of stroke. * csharp: Add Efl.Model implementations to internal model * gesture_manager: Deleted function and definition that are no more use. * mono: remove underscores of Efl_Op_Description, Efl_Object_Ops (T8333) * mono: merge namespaces * mono: add static modifier to static holder types. * csharp: hide eldbus_service api. (T8361) * csharp: updating eldbus_object docs and hide api. (T8361) * csharp: updating eldbus_pending docs and hide api. (T8361) * csharp: updating eldbus_proxy doc and hide api. (T8361) * csharp: updating eldbus_message doc and hide api. (T8361) * mono: encapsulate invoke method * csharp: Setting ELM_ENGINE if it is none. (T8322) * evas/language: #ifdef guard variable which is only used inside #ifdef (CID1400807) * tests/eldbus: add va_end for va_args usage in message test * ecore/getopt: handle negative return in arg parsing (CID1402615) * ecore/main: avoid calling FD_SET with invalid fd value (CID1383850) * benchmarks/eina: fix possible div by zero in ecore_hash (CID1400768) * tests: fix minor string leaks * embryo: don't use sizeof() when strlen() is intended (CID1402617) * efl/boolean_model: remove misleading null check (CID1405799) * eina/convert: init endptr in failure case of eina_convert_strtod_c * evas_vg/svg: fix null deref (CID1405672) * efl/engines: fix null derefs * elm/main: fix null deref (CID1402697) * tests/ecore_con: clarify pointer usage in ecore_con_url tests (CID1401029) * efl/io: return EINVAL if null slice is passed for writing * fix various trivial null derefs * ecore-evas-wayland: Minor formatting fix * ecore-evas-wayland: Minor formatting fix * ecore-evas-wayland: Add handler to array * ecore_evas_wayland: Fix array step size * ecore-wl2: Minor formatting fix * ecore-evas-wayland: Minor formatting fixes * docs: small fixes to Efl.Text * spaces-- * examples/ecore: use correct type for getchar() return (CID1400794) * examples/efl_thread: fix oob writes * csharp: Add licensing information. (T8039) * cxx: Add license to CXX bindings. * mono: merge namespaces in manual bindings * tests/spec: free array in multi selectable tests * tests/eina: use slstr_steal function in slstr_steal test (CID1401043) * ecore/app: permit resetting app args to uninitialized (zeroed) state * tests/ecore: unset app args after app args unit test to prevent invalid reads * tests/ecore: replace all bespoke strcats with snprintf (CID1400812) * tests/ecore: ensure that we attempt to re-set PATH in ecore-file tests * csharp: Add since information to EoWrapper.cs * eina_mono: Initialize UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION inline (T8427) * eina_mono: re-throw exception to preserve stack details (T8426) * efl_message: add pending queue for filtering message. * elm/code: check save file attrs after opening (CID1396966) * csharp: Returning only method name iwrapper. * efl_ui/text_scroller: fix null derefs * tests/layout: add legacy layout test to verify behavior with legacy size hints * mono: implement dispose method based on dispose pattern (T8400, T8419) * csharp: Calling ConfigureAwait on task eopromises. (T8424) * csharp: Calling ConfigureAwait on tasks Model. (T8424) * csharp: Calling ConfigureAwait on tasks GM. (T8424) * csharp: Using Count eina_promises. (T8422) * csharp: Changing Count() to Length on eina_value. (T8422) * csharp:Using Array.Empty genericmodel. (T8421) * csharp: Using Array.Empty Eina. (T8421) * ci: use shell to directly set base_dir for osx builds * csharp:Changing ex access modifier from Errors.cs. (T8401) * eina_array: add paramName argument of ArgumentNullException (T8428) * Typo in comment * efreet : Check that the file has a protocol in efreet_desktop_command_file_process() * Silence mono warning in tests * csharp: Add missing exception ctr from iwrapper. (T8392) * csharp: Add missing exception ctor from Errors.cs. (T8392) * docs: Improve documentation on cache-related classes * efl_ui_spotlight_manager: apply vis changes to subobj * docs: Formatting and polishing Efl.Ui.Factory docs * docs: Polished docs for Efl.Ui.Scrollable * mono: encapsulate internal CustomMarshaler * mono: encapsulate internal Add/RemoveNativeEventHandler * mono: encapsulate internal nativemethods * mono: encapsulate internal FunctionWrapper * mono: encapsulate internal NativeModule * eina_mono: remove exceptions in unexpected locations (T8402) * vg_common_svg: Free node tree for memory leak after eet write. * Replace tabs with spaces * edje_calc: Delete duplicated conditional statement. * efl_ui_win: Delete useless geometry set for legacy.edje * tests/elm: add util callback for incrementing an int data * tests/elm: add util functions for clicking objects/parts with event flags * tests/elm: make argv a static char so it never goes out of scope and crashes * tests/elm: add utility function to trigger a mouse drag * tests/genlist: fix tree test sizing * efl/timer: don't attempt instantiating timers until they're finalized * efl/timer: correctly handle recursion for timer processing * tests/ecore: add more grueling timer throughput test (T8434) * elm/genlist: fix item highlight/unhighlight eventing on clicks * elm/genlist: remove misleading "changed" signal * elm/genlist: only add calc job on theme apply if already finalized * elm/genlist: freeze/thaw canvas when processing item queue * elm/genlist: don't process entire item queue on each item add * elm/genlist: remove calc jobs * elm/genlist: defer recalc when applying a name filter * elm/genlist: slightly simplify use of _item_filtered_get() * elm/genlist: trigger filter,done callback immediately if no filter queue exists * elm/genlist: fix "drag" smart callback * elm/genlist: set pan need recalc during item move on item position change * elm/genlist: hide cached item contents and mark content unfocusable during calc * elm/genlist: fix item focus unregister on item move * tests/ecore: make timer behavior test even more strict (T8434) * tests/loop_timer: add port of ecore_timer behavior tests for loop_timer * tests/genlist: add behavior testing for nearly all genlist events (T8433) * mono: encapsulate internal delegates * mono: encapsulate internal iwrapper members * mono: encapsulate internal workaround members * ci: remove existing base_dir ccache config on osx build before adding new one * meson: add embryo as a dep of edje * csharp: FunctionWrapper doc fixes * edje_calc: Remove unused flag. * elm/widget: error on null params for tree_unfocusable functions * eina: change default policy of Chained Mempool to recycle memory right away. * efl_ui: remove Efl.Ui.Slider_Indicator_Visible_Mode * efl_ui: mark Efl.Ui.Focus.Autoscroll_Mode beta * evas/font: simplify handling strings when constructing font names (CID1382854) * ecore/timer: correctly handle recursive deletion of legacy timers * tests/ecore: do not create global test timeout timer if running unforked * tests/ecore: add intensive test for recursive timer usage * tests/evas: replace macro with function in mesh loader/saver test * tests/evas: prune directory scan in mesh loader/saver test (T6857) * tests/efl_app: add port of intensive timer recursion * csharp: space after keywords. * tests/spec: merge some loops in linear pack tests * tests/spec: reduce looping of pack content tests * tests/spec: store test class and reuse globally to avoid needing efl_isa * tests/spec: assert success of content_set during setup * tests/spec: use wrefs to automatically unset global pointers * edje: improve callback count on Evas canvas. (T8321) * eolian-cxx: Rename fields to standard naming * mono: introduce friend assembly ==Download:== ^ ** LINK ** ^ ** SHA256 ** ^ | [[http://download.enlightenment.org/rel/libs/efl/efl-1.23.2.tar.xz | efl-1.23.2.tar.xz ]] | ba8d9e4a4690a6c917c98ec090fffa6ffe005ab911811b8d443aa155ad95d493 |