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Apply a lighting effect to the object.

This is used to apply lighting calculations (from a single light source) to a given mapped object. The RGB values of each vertex will be modified to reflect the lighting based on the light point coordinates, the light color, the ambient color and at what angle the map is facing the light source. A surface should have its points be declared in a clockwise fashion if the face is "facing" towards you (as opposed to away from you) as faces have a "logical" side for lighting.

The coordinates of the center point are given in absolute canvas coordinates. See also Efl.Gfx.Mapping.lighting_3d for a pivot-based lighting effect.

Since 1.22


lighting_3d_absolute {
    params {
        @in lx: double;
        @in ly: double;
        @in lz: double;
        @in lr: int;
        @in lg: int;
        @in lb: int;
        @in ar: int;
        @in ag: int;
        @in ab: int;

C signature

void efl_gfx_mapping_lighting_3d_absolute(Eo *obj, double lx, double ly, double lz, int lr, int lg, int lb, int ar, int ag, int ab);


Implemented by