Table of Contents



Control the direction of a given widget.

Use this function to change how your widget is to be disposed: vertically or horizontally or inverted vertically or inverted horizontally.

Mirroring as defined in Efl.Ui.I18n can invert the horizontal direction: it is ltr by default, but becomes rtl if the object is mirrored.

Since 1.23


Overridden from Efl.Ui.Layout_Orientable.orientation (get, set).


@property orientation @pure_virtual {
    get {}
    set {}
    values {
        dir: Efl.Ui.Layout_Orientation;

C signature

Efl_Ui_Layout_Orientation efl_ui_layout_orientation_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_ui_layout_orientation_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Layout_Orientation dir);

Implemented by