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Zoom level of the image.

This selects the zoom level. If zoom is 1, it means no zoom. If it's smaller than 1, it means zoom in. If it's bigger than 1, it means zoom out. For example, zoom 1 will be 1:1 pixel for pixel. zoom 2 will be 2:1 (that is 2x2 photo pixels will display as 1 on-screen pixel) which is a zoom out. 4:1 will be 4x4 photo pixels as 1 screen pixel, and so on. The zoom parameter must be greater than 0. It is suggested to stick to powers of 2. (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc.).

Note that if you set Efl.Ui.Zoom.zoom_mode to anything other than Efl.Ui.Zoom_Mode.manual (which is the default value) the Efl.Ui.Zoom.zoom_level might be changed at any time by the zoomable object itself to account for image and viewport size changes.


Overridden from Efl.Ui.Zoom.zoom_level (get, set).


@property zoom_level @pure_virtual {
    get {}
    set {}
    values {
        zoom: double;

C signature

double efl_ui_zoom_level_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_ui_zoom_level_set(Eo *obj, double zoom);

Implemented by