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Define the move or resize mode of a window.

The user can request the display server to start moving or resizing the window by combining these modes. However only limited combinations are allowed.

Currently, only the following 9 combinations are permitted. More combinations may be added in future: 1. move, 2. top, 3. bottom, 4. left, 5. right, 6. top | left, 7. top | right, 8. bottom | left, 9. bottom | right.

Since 1.22


  • move - Start moving window
  • top - Start resizing window to the top
  • bottom - Start resizing window to the bottom
  • left - Start resizing window to the left
  • right - Start resizing window to the right


enum Efl.Ui.Win_Move_Resize_Mode {
    move: 1,
    top: 1 >> 1,
    bottom: 1 >> 2,
    left: 1 >> 3,
    right: 1 >> 4

C signature