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Adds a synthetic string property, generated from a definition string and other properties in the model.

The definition string, similar to how printf works, contains ${} placeholders that are replaced by the actual value of the property inside the placeholder tags when the synthetic property is retrieved. For example, a numeric property length might be strange to use as a label, since it will only display a number. However, a synthetic string can be generated with the definition "Length ${length}." which renders more nicely and does not require any more code by the user of the property.

not_ready and on_error strings can be given to be used when the data is not ready or there is some error, respectively. These strings do accept placeholder tags.

See Efl.Ui.View_Model.property_string_del

Since 1.23


property_string_add {
    params {
        @in name: string;
        @in definition: string;
        @in not_ready: string;
        @in on_error: string;
    return: Eina.Error;

C signature

Eina_Error efl_ui_view_model_property_string_add(Eo *obj, const char *name, const char *definition, const char *not_ready, const char *on_error);


  • name (in) - The name for the new synthetic property.
  • definition (in) - The definition string for the new synthetic property.
  • not_ready (in) - The text to be used if any of the properties used in definition is not ready yet. If set to null, no check against EAGAIN will be done.
  • on_error (in) - The text to be used if any of the properties used in definition is in error. It takes precedence over not_ready. If set to null, no error checks are performed.

Implemented by