Reference Counting in Eo

The previous tutorial (Introduction to Eo) explained how you should create and destroy Eo objects in order to avoid memory leaks. The present tutorial shows graphically the inner workings of the reference counting mechanism.

To do so, some new instrumentation techniques are introduced. These techniques allow collecting information about the state of your program, and, although not frequently used in normal applications, they can be useful for debugging (and tutorial) purposes.


Step One: Print the Reference Counts

The previous tutorial talked a lot about reference counts, but it never printed one on the screen. This tutorial will begin by doing just that. It turns out this is not a trivial task, and that is why it has been moved to this second tutorial.

Without further ado: the method to retrieve the reference count of an object is efl_ref_count(). It takes an Eo * as parameter and returns an integer.

This tutorial starts where the previous one left off, so here's the final listing from the Introduction to Eo tutorial:

#include <Eina.h>
#include <Efl_Core.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
Eo *_root, *_child1, *_child2;
// Create our test hierarchy
static void
   // First create a root element
   _root = efl_new(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS,
                   efl_name_set(efl_added, "Root"));
   // Create the first child element
   _child1 = efl_add(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS, _root,
                     efl_name_set(efl_added, "Child1"));
   // Create the second child element, this time, with an extra reference
   _child2 = efl_add_ref(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS, _root,
                         efl_name_set(efl_added, "Child2"));
// Destroy the test hierarchy
static void
   // Destroy the root element
   printf ("Deleting root...\n");
   // Destroy the child2 element, for which we were keeping an extra reference
   printf ("Deleting Child2...\n");
efl_main(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *ev EINA_UNUSED)
   // Create all objects
   // Destroy all objects
   // Exit

Add a new method before _obj_create() that uses efl_ref_count() to print the counts of all the objects into a nice table:

// Prints status of all our objects in a pretty table
static void
   printf("Object:   %6s %6s %6s\n", "ROOT", "CHILD1", "CHILD2");
   printf("Refcount: %6d %6d %6d\n",

NOTE: [...] in a Code Block indicates existing code which has been excluded for the sake of brevity. There is no need to type [...] into your program.

And call this method in a couple of interesting places. For example, in your main function (efl_main()) after creating all the objects (_obj_create()) and after destroying them (_obj_destroy()):

   // Create all objects
   printf ("Initial state:\n");
   // Destroy all objects
   printf ("Final state:\n");

What do you think is going to happen if you run this program? Go ahead and try it.

The expected behavior is undefined, which usually means your program will abort abnormally (commonly known as crash). This is what happened:

You can always ask an object for its internal reference count... as long as the object still exists. The problem with the above code is that when a reference count reaches 0, the object is destroyed. If you still hold a pointer to that object (like _root or _child1) that pointer is invalid, and trying to use it as a parameter to any EFL call will result in an undefined behavior.

In summary: the first call to _status_print() succeeded because the objects where alive, but the second one, after calling _obj_destroy(), crashed because all the objects had been destroyed, and hence their pointers where invalid.

In your applications, you should not try to use an object after you returned the reference you had to it, so you should not encounter this problem. In some rare cases, though, for debugging or didactic purposes, you might want to examine the state of an object, even after it has been destroyed.

Step Two: Weak References

There is a mechanism in EFL that avoids invalid pointers, by turning them into NULL pointers. You can then check your object pointer to see if it is NULL before trying to access it, and some EFL functions will accept NULL as an object pointer and return appropriate results.

For instance, efl_ref_count() (used in _status_print()) returns a reference count of 0 when the object parameter is NULL, meaning that the object has already been destroyed.

To achieve this, EFL uses Weak References. The following code snippets explain how to use them and how they work.

First, add 3 more Eo * global variables to keep track of the weak references (wref's for short). Put this line below the other 3 global variables:

Eo *_root_ref, *_child1_ref, *_child2_ref;

As you can see, wrefs are also regular Eo pointers; you can use them anywhere you would use an object pointer.

In fact, you could get rid of the previous plain object pointers (_root, _child1 and _child2) and only use the wrefs from now on. This tutorial keeps them separate to highlight that plain object pointers will become invalid, whereas wrefs will become NULL.

Now, replace the previous usage of the plain object pointers in the printf() call in _status_print() with the wrefs:

   printf("Refcount: %6d %6d %6d\n",

Finally, create the wrefs by adding a call to efl_wref_add() after each object is created in the _obj_create() method. It should look like this:

static void
   // First create a root element
   _root = efl_new(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS,
                   efl_name_set(efl_added, "Root"));
   // Add a weak reference so we can keep track of its state
   efl_wref_add(_root, &_root_ref);
   // Create the first child element
   _child1 = efl_add(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS, _root,
                     efl_name_set(efl_added, "Child1"));
   // Add a weak reference so we can keep track of its state
   efl_wref_add(_child1, &_child1_ref);
   // Create the second child element, this time, with an extra reference
   _child2 = efl_add_ref(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS, _root,
                         efl_name_set(efl_added, "Child2"));
   // Add a weak reference so we can keep track of its state
   efl_wref_add(_child2, &_child2_ref);

Notice how efl_wref_add() has two parameters: The first one is the object to keep track of, and the second one is a pointer to an Eo * which will receive the wref.

NOTE: efl_wref_add() does not get any extra reference to the object. After these changes, _child1 still has 1 reference which belongs to its parent and _child2 still has two references (one belongs to the parent and the other to the program).

Now you can run the program, and it should not crash anymore. You should see this in your terminal:

Initial state:
Object:     ROOT CHILD1 CHILD2
Refcount:      1      1      2
Deleting Root...
Deleting Child2...
Final state:
Object:     ROOT CHILD1 CHILD2
Refcount:      0      0      0

Which finally comes to show visually what the previous tutorial tried to explain with words: You can see the reference counts that _obj_create() has produced, and you can verify that all of them have been returned after calling _obj_destroy().

Try not returning the extra reference you hold for _child2 and see what happens.

Step Three: Print Some More

Just for completeness' sake, the tutorial will now call _status_print() in another place and add the parent of each object in the information.

Call _status_print() after returning the _root reference but before returning the _child2 reference. _obj_destroy() should look like this:

   // Destroy the root element
   printf ("Deleting root...\n");
   printf ("After deleting root:\n");

And now, print the name of the parent of every object in the _status_print() method, right after printing the reference counts:

   printf("Parent:   %6s %6s %6s\n\n",

Now, the _parent_name_get() method does not exist; you need to create it. It has been moved to a different method because it deals with a few special cases. Add this snippet before _status_print():

// Retrieves the name of an object's parent, handling special cases like not
// having any parent, or the object having been already destroyed.
static const char*
_parent_name_get(Eo *obj)
   // Object has been destroyed
   if (efl_ref_count(obj) == 0) return "-";
   // Object has no parent
   if (efl_parent_get(obj) == NULL) return "none";
   // Otherwise, return parent's name
   return efl_name_get(efl_parent_get(obj));

Remember you will be calling this method in situations where some of the objects might have already been destroyed. Therefore, the first thing this method does is check whether the reference count is 0 with efl_ref_count(). In that case it returns a simple dash "-".

Remember also that you can do this, because you are using weak references: Passing an invalid pointer to efl_ref_count() would result in undefined behavior but passing in NULL is OK.

The second thing the method does is check whether the object has a parent or not by calling efl_parent_get(). If it has no parent, it returns "none".

Finally, the method returns the name of the parent obtained with efl_name_get().

This step of the tutorial is now complete. The whole program should look like this:

#include <Eina.h>
#include <Efl_Core.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
Eo *_root, *_child1, *_child2;
Eo *_root_ref, *_child1_ref, *_child2_ref;
// Retrieves the name of an object's parent, handling special cases like not
// having any parent, or the object having been already destroyed.
static const char*
_parent_name_get(Eo *obj)
   // Object has been destroyed
   if (efl_ref_count(obj) == 0) return "-";
   // Object has no parent
   if (efl_parent_get(obj) == NULL) return "none";
   // Otherwise, return parent's name
   return efl_name_get(efl_parent_get(obj));
// Prints status of all our objects in a pretty table
static void
   printf("Object:   %6s %6s %6s\n", "ROOT", "CHILD1", "CHILD2");
   printf("Refcount: %6d %6d %6d\n",
   printf("Parent:   %6s %6s %6s\n\n",
// Create our test hierarchy
static void
   // First create a root element
   _root = efl_new(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS,
                   efl_name_set(efl_added, "Root"));
   // Add a weak reference so we can keep track of its state
   efl_wref_add(_root, &_root_ref);
   // Create the first child element
   _child1 = efl_add(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS, _root,
                     efl_name_set(efl_added, "Child1"));
   // Add a weak reference so we can keep track of its state
   efl_wref_add(_child1, &_child1_ref);
   // Create the second child element, this time, with an extra reference
   _child2 = efl_add_ref(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS, _root,
                         efl_name_set(efl_added, "Child2"));
   // Add a weak reference so we can keep track of its state
   efl_wref_add(_child2, &_child2_ref);
// Destroy the test hierarchy
static void
   // Destroy the root element
   printf ("Deleting root...\n");
   printf ("After deleting root:\n");
   // Destroy the child2 element, for which we were keeping an extra reference
   printf ("Deleting Child2...\n");
efl_main(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *ev EINA_UNUSED)
   // Create all objects
   printf ("Initial state:\n");
   // Destroy all objects
   printf ("Final state:\n");
   // Exit

If you run it, you should get this on the terminal:

Initial state:
Object:     ROOT CHILD1 CHILD2
Refcount:      1      1      2
Parent:     none   Root   Root
Deleting Root...
After deleting Root:
Object:     ROOT CHILD1 CHILD2
Refcount:      0      0      1
Parent:        -      -   none
Deleting Child2...
Final state:
Object:     ROOT CHILD1 CHILD2
Refcount:      0      0      0
Parent:        -      -      -

Many interesting things to see here. Note how, after returning the reference for _root (but before returning the one for _child2), the _root and _child1 objects have already been destroyed. This is expected, because the only reference to _child1 was held by _root, so upon destroying _root, _child1 disappears too.

Notice also how _child2 survives the destruction of its parent, because of the extra reference you are holding to it.

Finally, notice how the parent of _child2 is not _root anymore after _root is destroyed.

Step Four: Being Notified

There's still one more thing you can do with reference counting, and that is being notified when objects are finally destroyed.

As it is apparent by now, you are aware of the references you hold to an object, but, generally speaking, you don't know how many references other parts of the code hold. Therefore, in some situations it can be complicated to know when an object is finally destroyed.

If you really need to know, you can register an event callback with efl_event_callback_add() that gets triggered when that happens.

Use it to be notified of the destruction of each object. _obj_create() should look like this:

   // First create a root element
   _root = efl_new(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS,
                   efl_name_set(efl_added, "Root"));
   // Add a weak reference so we can keep track of its state
   efl_wref_add(_root, &_root_ref);
   // Register a callback for DELETION events
   efl_event_callback_add(_root, EFL_EVENT_DEL, _obj_destroy_cb, NULL);
   // Create the first child element
   _child1 = efl_add(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS, _root,
                     efl_name_set(efl_added, "Child1"));
   // Add a weak reference so we can keep track of its state
   efl_wref_add(_child1, &_child1_ref);
   // Register a callback for DELETION events
   efl_event_callback_add(_child1, EFL_EVENT_DEL, _obj_destroy_cb, NULL);
   // Create the second child element, this time, with an extra reference
   _child2 = efl_add_ref(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS, _root,
                         efl_name_set(efl_added, "Child2"));
   // Add a weak reference so we can keep track of its state
   efl_wref_add(_child2, &_child2_ref);
   // Register a callback for DELETION events
   efl_event_callback_add(_child2, EFL_EVENT_DEL, _obj_destroy_cb, NULL);

The first parameter to efl_event_callback_add() is the object you want to track. The second one is the type of event you want to be notified of (EFL_EVENT_DEL). The third parameter is the callback you need to write (_obj_destroy_cb), and the fourth one is extra data you might want to pass to your callback (none, in this case).

Write now the notification callback, right above _obj_create():

// Gets called whenever an object is deleted
static void
_obj_destroy_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event)
   Eo *obj = event->object;
   printf("Object named \"%s\" is about to be deleted\n", efl_name_get(obj));

All callback methods in EFL are generic, in that they receive the custom data you passed when you registered the callback, and then an Efl_Event * with the details of the event that triggered the callback.

In this case, you are interested in the object that is about to be deleted, and that is found in event->object. The method prints its name, and then the status of all objects.

This tutorial is now complete. It should look like this:

#include <Eina.h>
#include <Efl_Core.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
Eo *_root, *_child1, *_child2;
Eo *_root_ref, *_child1_ref, *_child2_ref;
// Retrieves the name of an object's parent, handling special cases like not
// having any parent, or the object having been already destroyed.
static const char*
_parent_name_get(Eo *obj)
   // Object has been destroyed
   if (efl_ref_count(obj) == 0) return "-";
   // Object has no parent
   if (efl_parent_get(obj) == NULL) return "none";
   // Otherwise, return parent's name
   return efl_name_get(efl_parent_get(obj));
// Prints status of all our objects in a pretty table
static void
   printf("Object:   %6s %6s %6s\n", "ROOT", "CHILD1", "CHILD2");
   printf("Refcount: %6d %6d %6d\n",
   printf("Parent:   %6s %6s %6s\n\n",
// Gets called whenever an object is deleted
static void
_obj_destroy_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event)
   Eo *obj = event->object;
   printf("Object named \"%s\" is about to be deleted\n", efl_name_get(obj));
// Create our test hierarchy
static void
   // First create a root element
   _root = efl_new(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS,
                   efl_name_set(efl_added, "Root"));
   // Add a weak reference so we can keep track of its state
   efl_wref_add(_root, &_root_ref);
   // Register a callback for DELETION events
   efl_event_callback_add(_root, EFL_EVENT_DEL, _obj_destroy_cb, NULL);
   // Create the first child element
   _child1 = efl_add(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS, _root,
                     efl_name_set(efl_added, "Child1"));
   // Add a weak reference so we can keep track of its state
   efl_wref_add(_child1, &_child1_ref);
   // Register a callback for DELETION events
   efl_event_callback_add(_child1, EFL_EVENT_DEL, _obj_destroy_cb, NULL);
   // Create the second child element, this time, with an extra reference
   _child2 = efl_add_ref(EFL_MODEL_PROVIDER_CLASS, _root,
                         efl_name_set(efl_added, "Child2"));
   // Add a weak reference so we can keep track of its state
   efl_wref_add(_child2, &_child2_ref);
   // Register a callback for DELETION events
   efl_event_callback_add(_child2, EFL_EVENT_DEL, _obj_destroy_cb, NULL);
// Destroy the test hierarchy
static void
   // Destroy the root element
   printf ("Deleting root...\n");
   printf ("After deleting root:\n");
   // Destroy the child2 element, for which we were keeping an extra reference
   printf ("Deleting Child2...\n");
efl_main(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *ev EINA_UNUSED)
   // Create all objects
   printf ("Initial state:\n");
   // Destroy all objects
   printf ("Final state:\n");
   // Exit

Build and run it, and you should get this on the terminal:

Initial state:
Object:     ROOT CHILD1 CHILD2
Refcount:      1      1      2
Parent:     none   Root   Root
Deleting Root...
Object named "Root" is about to be deleted
Object:     ROOT CHILD1 CHILD2
Refcount:      0      1      2
Parent:        -   Root   Root
Object named "Child1" is about to be deleted
Object:     ROOT CHILD1 CHILD2
Refcount:      0      0      2
Parent:        -      -   Root
After deleting Root:
Object:     ROOT CHILD1 CHILD2
Refcount:      0      0      1
Parent:        -      -   none
Deleting Child2...
Object named "Child2" is about to be deleted
Object:     ROOT CHILD1 CHILD2
Refcount:      0      0      0
Parent:        -      -      -
Final state:
Object:     ROOT CHILD1 CHILD2
Refcount:      0      0      0
Parent:        -      -      -

You can see that the _obj_destroy_cb() is called for each of the objects, in more or less the expected order (_child2 is the last one).

It is also worth noting that, inside a destruction callback, only the information regarding the object being destroyed is reliable. Note how, when being notified of the destruction of _root, _root has already been destroyed, but not its children (_child1 still has a reference count of 1, and its parent is _root).


At the end of this tutorial you have learned:

Further Reading

Introduction to Eo
Part one of this tutorial
Setting up the Development Environment
Read this before trying to develop with the EFL