Enlightenment DR 0.22.4 Release

This is a bugfix and stability release for the Enlightenment 22 Release series.

Tickets Addressed
T5076 Incorrect desktop files
T5203 alt+esc sometimes crash
T6787 Exec-keys in some .desktop files are failing to be recognized by Enlightenment
T7030 efl internals pass null objects to functions which should not be passed null

Alastair Poole (1):

Carsten Haitzler (17):

Christopher Michael (2):

Daniel Zaoui (1):

Derek Foreman (5):

Massimo Maiurana (1):

Mike Blumenkrantz (3):

Enlightenment DR 0.22.4 XZ 59f4997c8b59457142870e40f137bc08c9735c84368d32213dacf09c4342fe79

Roll a 2d10 segfault check

Building and Dependencies

If you have an existing EFL or Elementary install, you may wish to delete its header files and libraries before compiling and installing to avoid possible conflicts during compilation. Please compile the dependencies in the following order (click for README):

Note: E22 depends on EFL v1.20.5 or newer.