Table of Contents



Map a region of this buffer for read or write access by the CPU.

Fetches data from the GPU if needed. This operation may be slow if cpu_readable_fast or cpu_writeable_fast are not true, or if the required colorspace is different from the internal one.

Note that if the buffer has Efl.Gfx.Buffer.buffer_borders, then x and y may be negative.


buffer_map @pure_virtual {
    params {
        @in mode: Efl.Gfx.Buffer_Access_Mode;
        @in region: ptr(const(Eina.Rect)) @optional;
        @in cspace: Efl.Gfx.Colorspace @optional;
        @in plane: int @optional;
        @out stride: int @optional;
    return: Eina.Rw_Slice;

C signature

Eina_Rw_Slice efl_gfx_buffer_map(Eo *obj, Efl_Gfx_Buffer_Access_Mode mode, const Eina_Rect *region, Efl_Gfx_Colorspace cspace, int plane, int *stride);


Implemented by