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Full-featured logging system. More...

Data Structures

struct  _Eina_Log_Domain
 The domain used for logging. More...


 This macro defines the domain to use with the macros EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(), EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(), EINA_LOG_DOM_WARN(), EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR() and EINA_LOG_DOM_CRIT(). More...
#define EINA_LOG(DOM, LEVEL, fmt, ...)   do { (void) DOM; (void) LEVEL; (void) fmt; } while (0)
 Logs a message on the specified domain, level and format. More...
 Logs a message with level CRITICAL on the specified domain and format.
#define EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR(DOM, fmt, ...)   EINA_LOG(DOM, EINA_LOG_LEVEL_ERR, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
 Logs a message with level ERROR on the specified domain and format.
#define EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(DOM, fmt, ...)   EINA_LOG(DOM, EINA_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
 Logs a message with level INFO on the specified domain and format.
#define EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(DOM, fmt, ...)   EINA_LOG(DOM, EINA_LOG_LEVEL_DBG, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
 Logs a message with level DEBUG on the specified domain and format.
#define EINA_LOG_DOM_WARN(DOM, fmt, ...)   EINA_LOG(DOM, EINA_LOG_LEVEL_WARN, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
 Logs a message with level WARN on the specified domain and format.
#define EINA_LOG_CRIT(fmt, ...)
 Logs a message with level CRITICAL on the default domain with the specified format. More...
 Logs a message with level ERROR on the default domain with the specified format.
 Logs a message with level INFO on the default domain with the specified format.
 Logs a message with level WARN on the default domain with the specified format.
 Logs a message with level DEBUG on the default domain with the specified format.
#define EINA_LOG_STATE_INIT   _eina_log_state_init
 String that indicates the log system is initializing.
#define EINA_LOG_STATE_SHUTDOWN   _eina_log_state_shutdown
 String that indicates the log system is shutting down.


typedef struct _Eina_Log_Domain Eina_Log_Domain
 The domain used for logging.
typedef enum _Eina_Log_Level Eina_Log_Level
 List of available logging levels.
typedef void(* Eina_Log_Print_Cb) (const Eina_Log_Domain *d, Eina_Log_Level level, const char *file, const char *fnc, int line, const char *fmt, void *data, va_list args)
 Type for print callbacks.
typedef enum _Eina_Log_State Eina_Log_State
 List of available log states.


enum  _Eina_Log_Level {
  EINA_LOG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN = (-2147483647 - 1)
 List of available logging levels. More...
enum  _Eina_Log_State {
 List of available log states. More...


static Eina_Bool eina_log_level_check (int level)
 Checks whenever the given level should be printed out. More...
static Eina_Bool eina_log_domain_level_check (int domain, int level)
 Checks whenever the given level should be printed out. More...
static const char * eina_log_level_name_get (int level, char name[4])
 Function to format the level as a 3 character (+1 null byte) string. More...
static const char * eina_log_level_color_get (int level)
 Function to get recommended color value for level. More...
static const char * eina_log_level_color_if_enabled_get (int level)
 Function to get recommended color value for level, if colors are enabled. More...
EAPI void eina_log_threads_enable (void)
 Enable logging module to handle threads. More...
EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_set (Eina_Log_Print_Cb cb, void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
 Sets logging method to use. More...
EAPI void eina_log_level_set (int level)
 Sets the default log level. More...
EAPI int eina_log_level_get (void) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Gets the default log level. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_log_main_thread_check (void) EINA_CONST EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Checks if current thread is the main thread. More...
EAPI void eina_log_color_disable_set (Eina_Bool disabled)
 Enables or disables colored text in the logs. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_log_color_disable_get (void) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Determines if color logging is enabled or disabled. More...
EAPI void eina_log_file_disable_set (Eina_Bool disabled)
 Sets if originating file name logging should be disabled. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_log_file_disable_get (void) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Gets if originating file name logging should be disabled. More...
EAPI void eina_log_function_disable_set (Eina_Bool disabled)
 Sets if originating function name logging should be disabled. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_log_function_disable_get (void) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Gets if originating function name logging should be disabled. More...
EAPI void eina_log_abort_on_critical_set (Eina_Bool abort_on_critical)
 Sets if critical messages should abort the program. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_log_abort_on_critical_get (void) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Gets if critical messages should abort the program. More...
EAPI void eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_set (int critical_level)
 Sets level that triggers abort if abort-on-critical is set. More...
EAPI int eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_get (void) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Gets level that triggers abort if abort-on-critical is set. More...
EAPI void eina_log_domain_level_set (const char *domain_name, int level) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
 Sets the domain level given its name. More...
EAPI int eina_log_domain_level_get (const char *domain_name) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
 Gets the domain level given its name. More...
EAPI int eina_log_domain_registered_level_get (int domain) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Gets the domain level given its identifier. More...
EAPI void eina_log_domain_registered_level_set (int domain, int level)
 Sets the domain level given its identifier. More...
EAPI int eina_log_domain_register (const char *name, const char *color) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
EAPI void eina_log_domain_unregister (int domain)
 Forgets about a logging domain registered by eina_log_domain_register() More...
EAPI void eina_log_print (int domain, Eina_Log_Level level, const char *file, const char *function, int line, const char *fmt,...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(3
 Prints out log message using given domain and level. More...
EAPI void eina_log_vprint (int domain, Eina_Log_Level level, const char *file, const char *fnc, int line, const char *fmt, va_list args) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(3
 Prints out log message using given domain and level. More...
EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_stdout (const Eina_Log_Domain *d, Eina_Log_Level level, const char *file, const char *fnc, int line, const char *fmt, void *data, va_list args) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
 Alternative logging method, this will output to standard output stream. More...
EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_stderr (const Eina_Log_Domain *d, Eina_Log_Level level, const char *file, const char *fnc, int line, const char *fmt, void *data, va_list args) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
 Default logging method, this will output to standard error stream. More...
EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_file (const Eina_Log_Domain *d, Eina_Log_Level level, const char *file, const char *fnc, int line, const char *fmt, void *data, va_list args) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
 Alternative logging method, this will output to given file stream. More...
EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_journald (const Eina_Log_Domain *d, Eina_Log_Level level, const char *file, const char *fnc, int line, const char *fmt, void *data, va_list args) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1)
 Alternative logging method, this will output to systemd journal. More...
EAPI void eina_log_console_color_set (FILE *fp, const char *color) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1
 Configures console color of given file. More...
EAPI void eina_log_timing (int domain, Eina_Log_State state, const char *phase) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1
 Starts or stops the timing of a phase. More...


 EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_GLOBAL is the general purpose log domain to be used, it is always registered and available everywhere.
EAPI void EAPI const char * _eina_log_state_init
 String that indicates the log system is initializing. More...
EAPI const char * _eina_log_state_shutdown
 String that indicates the log system is shutting down. More...

Detailed Description

Full-featured logging system.

Eina provides eina_log_print(), a standard function to manage all logging messages. This function may be called directly or using the helper macros such as EINA_LOG_DBG(), EINA_LOG_ERR() or those that take a specific domain as argument EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(), EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR(). Internally, eina_log_print() will call the function defined with eina_log_print_cb_set(), that defaults to eina_log_print_cb_stderr(), but may be changed to do whatever you need, such as networking or syslog logging.

The logging system is thread safe once initialized with eina_log_threads_enable(). The thread that calls this function first is considered "main thread" and other threads will have their thread id (pthread_self()) printed in the log message so it is easy to detect from where it is coming.

Log domains is the Eina way to differentiate messages. There might be different domains to represent different modules, different feature-set, different categories and so on. Filtering can be applied to domain names by means of EINA_LOG_LEVELS environment variable or eina_log_domain_level_set().

The different logging levels serve to customize the amount of debugging one want to take and may be used to automatically call abort() once some given level message is printed. This is controlled by environment variable EINA_LOG_ABORT and the level to be considered critical with EINA_LOG_ABORT_LEVEL. These can be changed with eina_log_abort_on_critical_set() and eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_set().

The default maximum level to print is defined by environment variable EINA_LOG_LEVEL, but may be set per-domain with EINA_LOG_LEVELS. It will default to EINA_LOG_ERR. This can be changed with eina_log_level_set().

To use the log system Eina must be initialized with eina_init() and later shut down with eina_shutdown(). Here is a straightforward example:

//Compile with:
//gcc -Wall -o eina_log_01 eina_log_01.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs eina`
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Eina.h>
void test_warn(void)
EINA_LOG_WARN("Here is a warning message");
int main(void)
if (!eina_init())
printf("log during the initialization of Eina_Log module\n");

Compile this code with the following command:

gcc -Wall -o eina_log_01 eina_log_01.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs eina`

Now execute the program with:

EINA_LOG_LEVEL=2 ./eina_log_01

You should see a message displayed in the terminal.

For more information, you can look at the Log Tutorial.

Macro Definition Documentation



This macro defines the domain to use with the macros EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(), EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(), EINA_LOG_DOM_WARN(), EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR() and EINA_LOG_DOM_CRIT().

If not defined prior to the inclusion of this header, then it defaults to EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_GLOBAL.

One may like to redefine this in its code to avoid typing too much. In this case the recommended way is:
#include <Eina.h>
#define EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_DEFAULT _log_dom
static int _log_dom = -1;
int main(void)
_log_dom = eina_log_domain_register("mydom", EINA_COLOR_CYAN);
EINA_LOG_ERR("using my own domain");
return 0;
If one defines the domain prior to inclusion of this header, the defined log domain symbol must be defined prior as well, otherwise the inlined functions defined by Eina will fail to find the symbol, causing build failure.
#define EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_DEFAULT _log_dom
static int _log_dom = -1; // must come before inclusion of Eina.h!
#include <Eina.h>
int main(void)
_log_dom = eina_log_domain_register("mydom", EINA_COLOR_CYAN);
EINA_LOG_ERR("using my own domain");
return 0;


#define EINA_LOG (   DOM,
)    do { (void) DOM; (void) LEVEL; (void) fmt; } while (0)

Logs a message on the specified domain, level and format.

If EINA_LOG_LEVEL_MAXIMUM is defined, then messages larger than this value will be ignored regardless of current domain level, the eina_log_print() is not even called! Most compilers will just detect the two integers make the branch impossible and remove the branch and function call all together. Take this as optimization tip and possible remove debug messages from binaries to be deployed, saving on hot paths. Never define EINA_LOG_LEVEL_MAXIMUM on public header files.


#define EINA_LOG_CRIT (   fmt,
fmt, \
## __VA_ARGS__)
Critical log level.
Definition: eina_log.h:457
This macro defines the domain to use with the macros EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(), EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(),...
Definition: eina_log.h:284
#define EINA_LOG(DOM, LEVEL, fmt,...)
Logs a message on the specified domain, level and format.
Definition: eina_log.h:321

Logs a message with level CRITICAL on the default domain with the specified format.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _Eina_Log_Level

List of available logging levels.


Critical log level.


Error log level.


Warning log level.


Information log level.


Debug log level.


Count of default log levels.


Unknown level.

◆ _Eina_Log_State

List of available log states.


Logging is Started.


Logging is Stopped.

Function Documentation

◆ eina_log_level_check()

static Eina_Bool eina_log_level_check ( int  level)

Checks whenever the given level should be printed out.

levelThe level to print

This is useful to enable certain blocks of code just when given level is to be used.

#include <Eina.h>
void my_func(void *data)
EINA_TRUE if level is equal or smaller than the current global logging level.

References eina_log_level_get().

◆ eina_log_domain_level_check()

static Eina_Bool eina_log_domain_level_check ( int  domain,
int  level 

Checks whenever the given level should be printed out.

domainThe domain to check
levelThe level to print

This is useful to enable certain blocks of code just when given level is to be used.

#include <Eina.h>
extern int _my_log_dom;
void my_func(void *data)
EINA_TRUE if level is equal or smaller than the current domain logging level.

References EINA_FALSE, EINA_LIKELY, eina_log_domain_registered_level_get(), and EINA_LOG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN.

◆ eina_log_level_name_get()

static const char* eina_log_level_name_get ( int  level,
char  name[4] 

Function to format the level as a 3 character (+1 null byte) string.

This function converts the given level to a known string name (CRI, ERR, WRN, INF or DBG) or a zero-padded 3-character string. In any case the last byte will contain a trailing null byte.

If extreme level values are used (greater than 999 and smaller than -99), then the value will just consider the less significant part. This is so uncommon that users should handle this in their code.

levelwhat level value to use.
namewhere to write the actual value.
pointer to name.


◆ eina_log_level_color_get()

static const char* eina_log_level_color_get ( int  level)

Function to get recommended color value for level.

This function will not check if colors are enabled or not before returning the level color. If you desire such check, use eina_log_level_color_if_enabled_get().

levelwhat level value to use.
pointer to null byte terminated ANSI color string to be used in virtual terminals supporting VT100 color codes.
See also

Referenced by eina_log_level_color_if_enabled_get().

◆ eina_log_level_color_if_enabled_get()

static const char* eina_log_level_color_if_enabled_get ( int  level)

Function to get recommended color value for level, if colors are enabled.

This function will check if colors are enabled or not before returning the level color. If colors are disabled, then empty string is returned.

levelwhat level value to use.
pointer to null byte terminated ANSI color string to be used in virtual terminals supporting VT100 color codes. If colors are disabled, the empty string is returned.

References eina_log_color_disable_get(), and eina_log_level_color_get().

◆ eina_log_threads_enable()

EAPI void eina_log_threads_enable ( void  )

Enable logging module to handle threads.

There is no disable option on purpose, if it is enabled, there is no way back until you call the last eina_shutdown().

There is no function to retrieve if threads are enabled as one is not supposed to know this from outside.

After this call is executed at least once, if Eina was compiled with threads support then logging will lock around debug messages and threads that are not the main thread will have its identifier printed.

The main thread is considered the thread where the first eina_init() was called.

References EINA_TRUE.

◆ eina_log_print_cb_set()

EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_set ( Eina_Log_Print_Cb  cb,
void *  data 

Sets logging method to use.

[in]cbThe callback to call when printing a log.
[in]dataThe data to pass to the callback.

By default, eina_log_print_cb_stderr() is used.

MT: Safe to call from any thread.
MT: Given function cb will be called protected by mutex. This means you're safe from other calls but you should never call eina_log_print(), directly or indirectly.

References eina_log_print_cb_stderr().

◆ eina_log_level_set()

EAPI void eina_log_level_set ( int  level)

Sets the default log level.

[in]levelThe log level.

This function sets the log level level. It is used in eina_log_print().

this is initially set to envvar EINA_LOG_LEVEL by eina_init().
See also

References EINA_LIKELY, EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_GLOBAL, and _Eina_Log_Domain::level.

◆ eina_log_level_get()

EAPI int eina_log_level_get ( void  )

Gets the default log level.

The log level that limits eina_log_print().
See also

Referenced by eina_log_level_check().

◆ eina_log_main_thread_check()

EAPI Eina_Bool eina_log_main_thread_check ( void  )

Checks if current thread is the main thread.

If there is no thread support (compiled with –disable-pthreads) or threads were not enabled, then EINA_TRUE is returned. The only case where EINA_FALSE is returned is when threads were successfully enabled but the current thread is not the one that called eina_log_threads_init() (the main thread).

EINA_TRUE if the current thread is the one that called eina_log_threads_init(), otherwise EINA_FALSE.

References EINA_TRUE.

◆ eina_log_color_disable_set()

EAPI void eina_log_color_disable_set ( Eina_Bool  disabled)

Enables or disables colored text in the logs.

[in]disabledIf EINA_TRUE, color logging should be disabled.
this is initially set to envvar EINA_LOG_COLOR_DISABLE by eina_init().
See also

References _Eina_Log_Domain::color, _Eina_Log_Domain::domain_str, and _Eina_Log_Domain::name.

◆ eina_log_color_disable_get()

EAPI Eina_Bool eina_log_color_disable_get ( void  )

Determines if color logging is enabled or disabled.

If EINA_TRUE, color logging is disabled.
See also

References EINA_TRUE.

Referenced by eina_log_level_color_if_enabled_get().

◆ eina_log_file_disable_set()

EAPI void eina_log_file_disable_set ( Eina_Bool  disabled)

Sets if originating file name logging should be disabled.

[in]disabledIf EINA_TRUE, file name logging should be disabled.
this is initially set to envvar EINA_LOG_FILE_DISABLE by eina_init().
See also

◆ eina_log_file_disable_get()

EAPI Eina_Bool eina_log_file_disable_get ( void  )

Gets if originating file name logging should be disabled.

If EINA_TRUE, file name logging should be disabled.
See also

References EINA_TRUE.

◆ eina_log_function_disable_set()

EAPI void eina_log_function_disable_set ( Eina_Bool  disabled)

Sets if originating function name logging should be disabled.

[in]disabledIf EINA_TRUE, function name logging should be disabled.
this is initially set to envvar EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE by eina_init().
See also

◆ eina_log_function_disable_get()

EAPI Eina_Bool eina_log_function_disable_get ( void  )

Gets if originating function name logging should be disabled.

If EINA_TRUE, function name logging should be disabled.
See also

References EINA_TRUE.

◆ eina_log_abort_on_critical_set()

EAPI void eina_log_abort_on_critical_set ( Eina_Bool  abort_on_critical)

Sets if critical messages should abort the program.

[in]abort_on_criticalIf EINA_TRUE, messages with level equal or smaller than eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_get() will abort the program.
this is initially set to envvar EINA_LOG_ABORT by eina_init().
See also

Referenced by ecore_buffer_queue_init().

◆ eina_log_abort_on_critical_get()

EAPI Eina_Bool eina_log_abort_on_critical_get ( void  )

Gets if critical messages should abort the program.

If EINA_TRUE, any messages with level equal or smaller than eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_get() will abort the program.
See also

References EINA_FALSE.

◆ eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_set()

EAPI void eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_set ( int  critical_level)

Sets level that triggers abort if abort-on-critical is set.

[in]critical_levelLevels equal or smaller than the given value will trigger program abortion if eina_log_abort_on_critical_get() returns EINA_TRUE.
this is initially set to envvar EINA_LOG_ABORT_LEVEL by eina_init().
See also

Referenced by ecore_buffer_queue_init().

◆ eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_get()

EAPI int eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_get ( void  )

Gets level that triggers abort if abort-on-critical is set.

Critical level equal or smaller than value will trigger program abortion if eina_log_abort_on_critical_get() returns EINA_TRUE.
See also

◆ eina_log_domain_level_set()

EAPI void eina_log_domain_level_set ( const char *  domain_name,
int  level 

Sets the domain level given its name.

This call has the same effect as setting EINA_LOG_LEVELS=<domain_name>:<level>

[in]domain_nameDomain name to change the level. It may be of a still not registered domain. If the domain is not registered yet, it will be saved as a pending set and applied upon registration.
[in]levelLevel to use to limit eina_log_print() for given domain.

◆ eina_log_domain_level_get()

EAPI int eina_log_domain_level_get ( const char *  domain_name)

Gets the domain level given its name.

[in]domain_nameDomain name to retrieve the level. It may be of a still not registered domain. If the domain is not registered yet, but there is a pending value, either from eina_log_domain_level_set(),EINA_LOG_LEVELS environment variable or from EINA_LOG_LEVELS_GLOB, these are returned. If nothing else was found, then the global/default level (eina_log_level_get()) is returned.
Level to use to limit eina_log_print() for given domain. On error (domain_name == NULL), EINA_LOG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN is returned.
See also

◆ eina_log_domain_registered_level_get()

EAPI int eina_log_domain_registered_level_get ( int  domain)

Gets the domain level given its identifier.

[in]domainIdentifier, so it must be previously registered with eina_log_domain_register(). It's a much faster version of eina_log_domain_level_get(), but relies on domain being present.
EINA_TRUE if level should be printed, EINA_FALSE if not. (domain's level is greater or equal level).


Referenced by eina_log_domain_level_check().

◆ eina_log_domain_registered_level_set()

EAPI void eina_log_domain_registered_level_set ( int  domain,
int  level 

Sets the domain level given its identifier.

[in]domainIdentifier, so it must be previously registered with eina_log_domain_register(). It's a much faster version of eina_log_domain_level_get(), but relies on domain being present.
[in]levelLevel to use to limit eina_log_print() for given domain.


◆ eina_log_domain_register()

EAPI int eina_log_domain_register ( const char *  name,
const char *  color 

◆ eina_log_domain_unregister()

EAPI void eina_log_domain_unregister ( int  domain)

◆ eina_log_print()

EAPI void eina_log_print ( int  domain,
Eina_Log_Level  level,
const char *  file,
const char *  function,
int  line,
const char *  fmt,

Prints out log message using given domain and level.

Usually you'll not use this function directly but the helper macros EINA_LOG(), EINA_LOG_DOM_CRIT(), EINA_LOG_CRIT() and so on. See eina_log.h
[in]domainLogging domain to use or EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_GLOBAL if you registered none. It is recommended that modules and applications have their own logging domain.
[in]levelMessage level, those with level greater than user specified value (eina_log_level_set() or environment variables EINA_LOG_LEVEL, EINA_LOG_LEVELS) will be ignored.
[in]fileFilename that originated the call, must not be NULL.
[in]functionFunction that originated the call, must not be NULL.
[in]lineOriginating line in file.
[in]fmtPrintf-like format to use. Should not provide trailing '
' as it is automatically included.
[in]...Variadic args.
MT: This function may be called from different threads if eina_log_threads_enable() was called before.

Referenced by eina_magic_fail().

◆ eina_log_vprint()

EAPI void eina_log_vprint ( int  domain,
Eina_Log_Level  level,
const char *  file,
const char *  fnc,
int  line,
const char *  fmt,
va_list  args 

Prints out log message using given domain and level.

Usually you'll not use this function directly but the helper macros EINA_LOG(), EINA_LOG_DOM_CRIT(), EINA_LOG_CRIT() and so on. See eina_log.h
[in]domainLogging domain to use or EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_GLOBAL if you registered none. It is recommended that modules and applications have their own logging domain.
[in]levelMessage level, those with level greater than user specified value (eina_log_level_set() or environment variables EINA_LOG_LEVEL, EINA_LOG_LEVELS) will be ignored.
[in]fileFilename that originated the call, must not be NULL.
[in]fncFunction that originated the call, must not be NULL.
[in]lineOriginating line in file.
[in]fmtPrintf-like format to use. Should not provide trailing '
' as it is automatically included.
[in]argsThe arguments needed by the format.
MT: this function may be called from different threads if eina_log_threads_enable() was called before.
See also

◆ eina_log_print_cb_stdout()

EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_stdout ( const Eina_Log_Domain d,
Eina_Log_Level  level,
const char *  file,
const char *  fnc,
int  line,
const char *  fmt,
void *  data,
va_list  args 

Alternative logging method, this will output to standard output stream.

[in]dThe domain.
[in]levelThe level.
[in]fileThe file which is logged.
[in]fncThe function which is logged.
[in]lineThe line which is logged.
[in]fmtThe output format to use.
[in]dataNot used.
[in]argsThe arguments needed by the format.

This method will colorize output based on domain provided color and message logging level. To disable color, set environment variable EINA_LOG_COLOR_DISABLE=1. Similarly, to disable file and line information, set EINA_LOG_FILE_DISABLE=1 or EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE=1 to avoid function name in output. It is not acceptable to have both EINA_LOG_FILE_DISABLE and EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE at the same time, in this case just EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE will be considered and file information will be printed anyways.

MT: If threads are enabled, this function is called within locks.
MT: Threads different from main thread will have thread id appended to domain name.

◆ eina_log_print_cb_stderr()

EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_stderr ( const Eina_Log_Domain d,
Eina_Log_Level  level,
const char *  file,
const char *  fnc,
int  line,
const char *  fmt,
void *  data,
va_list  args 

Default logging method, this will output to standard error stream.

[in]dThe domain.
[in]levelThe level.
[in]fileThe file which is logged.
[in]fncThe function which is logged.
[in]lineThe line which is logged.
[in]fmtThe output format to use.
[in]dataNot used.
[in]argsThe arguments needed by the format.

This method will colorize output based on domain provided color and message logging level.

To disable color, set environment variable EINA_LOG_COLOR_DISABLE=1. To enable color, even if directing to a file or when using a non-supported color terminal, use EINA_LOG_COLOR_DISABLE=0. If EINA_LOG_COLOR_DISABLE is unset (or -1), then Eina will disable color if terminal ($TERM) is unsupported or if redirecting to a file. Similarly, to disable file and line information, set EINA_LOG_FILE_DISABLE=1 or EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE=1 to avoid function name in output. It is not acceptable to have both EINA_LOG_FILE_DISABLE and EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE at the same time, in this case just EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE will be considered and file information will be printed anyways.

MT: If threads are enabled, this function is called within locks.
MT: Threads different from main thread will have thread id appended to domain name.

Referenced by eina_log_print_cb_journald(), and eina_log_print_cb_set().

◆ eina_log_print_cb_file()

EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_file ( const Eina_Log_Domain d,
Eina_Log_Level  level,
const char *  file,
const char *  fnc,
int  line,
const char *  fmt,
void *  data,
va_list  args 

Alternative logging method, this will output to given file stream.

[in]dThe domain.
[in]levelNot used.
[in]fileThe file which is logged.
[in]fncThe function which is logged.
[in]lineThe line which is logged.
[in]fmtThe output format to use.
[in]dataThe file which will store the output (as a FILE *).
[in]argsThe arguments needed by the format.

This method will never output color.

MT: If threads are enabled, this function is called within locks.
MT: Threads different from main thread will have thread id appended to domain name.


◆ eina_log_print_cb_journald()

EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_journald ( const Eina_Log_Domain d,
Eina_Log_Level  level,
const char *  file,
const char *  fnc,
int  line,
const char *  fmt,
void *  data,
va_list  args 

Alternative logging method, this will output to systemd journal.

[in]dThe domain.
[in]levelNot used.
[in]fileThe file which is logged.
[in]fncThe function which is logged.
[in]lineThe line which is logged.
[in]fmtThe output format to use.
[in]dataThe file which will store the output (as a FILE *).
[in]argsThe arguments needed by the format.

This method will never output color.

If systemd journal is not there it will display error on stderr.
If the process has been started by systemd this will be the default logging method.

References EINA_LIKELY, eina_log_print_cb_stderr(), eina_strbuf_append_printf(), eina_strbuf_free(), eina_strbuf_new(), and eina_strbuf_string_get().

◆ eina_log_console_color_set()

EAPI void eina_log_console_color_set ( FILE *  fp,
const char *  color 

Configures console color of given file.

[in]fpFile to configure console color (usually stderr or stdout).
[in]colorA VT color code such as EINA_COLOR_RED or EINA_COLOR_RESET.
If color is disabled, nothing is done. See eina_log_color_disable_get()
On windows, both fp and color is converted automatically.

◆ eina_log_timing()

EAPI void eina_log_timing ( int  domain,
Eina_Log_State  state,
const char *  phase 

Starts or stops the timing of a phase.

[in]domainThe domain.
[in]stateState indicating if we are starting or stopping a phase.
[in]phaseThe name of the phase to be used in the log.
One domain can be in only one phase at a time.
If you change the name of the phase, it is assumed that the previous phase has stopped.
The phase name should be available for all the life of the timing.

Referenced by ecore_audio_init(), ecore_audio_shutdown(), ecore_con_init(), ecore_con_shutdown(), ecore_evas_init(), ecore_evas_shutdown(), ector_init(), ector_shutdown(), eet_init(), eet_shutdown(), eina_shutdown(), eio_shutdown(), elm_quicklaunch_shutdown(), elua_init(), elua_shutdown(), embryo_init(), embryo_shutdown(), emile_init(), emile_shutdown(), evas_init(), and evas_shutdown().

Variable Documentation

◆ _eina_log_state_init

EAPI void EAPI const char* _eina_log_state_init

String that indicates the log system is initializing.

◆ _eina_log_state_shutdown

EAPI const char* _eina_log_state_shutdown

String that indicates the log system is shutting down.