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Hints for an object's fill property that used to specify "justify" or "fill" by some users. Efl.Gfx.Hint.hint_fill specify whether to fill the space inside the boundaries of a container/manager.

Maximum hints should be enforced with higher priority, if they are set. Also, any Efl.Gfx.Hint.hint_margin set on objects should add up to the object space on the final scene composition.

See documentation of possible users: in Evas, they are the Efl.Ui.Box "box" and Efl.Ui.Table "table" smart objects.

This is not a size enforcement in any way, it's just a hint that should be used whenever appropriate.

Default fill hint values are true, for both axes.

Since 1.22


  • x - true if to fill the object space, false otherwise, to use as horizontal fill hint.
  • y - true if to fill the object space, false otherwise, to use as vertical fill hint.


@property hint_fill @pure_virtual {
    get {}
    set {}
    values {
        x: bool;
        y: bool;

C signature

void efl_gfx_hint_fill_get(const Eo *obj, Eina_Bool *x, Eina_Bool *y);
void efl_gfx_hint_fill_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool x, Eina_Bool y);

Implemented by