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Scalability Menu

Scalability using Elementary UI components

Elementary includes an extensive set of UI components. You can use elementary UI components to compose your application user interface (UI). While creating the UI, you can set specific properties for the UI components to control the scalable behavior of the UI. Before you try to create a scalable UI using elementary UI components, make sure you understand the following core concepts on how scalability works with elementary UI components.

The Elementary library provides 3 groups of APIs:
  • Infrastructure: to control the behavior of elementary.
  • Container: UI components that can contain other UI components.
  • UI components: elementary UI components, such as buttons, lists, and check and radio boxes.

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Using Containers for Effective Layouts

The Elementary library provides several containers to display UI components in an effective layout. The containers have no visual identity of their own.


The box container makes a layout where child UI components are stacked in either horizontal or vertical direction. The box size is the sum of its child UI components' size:

The box-based linear layout is the best solution to ensure a minimum size for the child UI components in any device or any orientation.


The grid container makes a layout where child UI components set their position and size relative to the container position and size. You can define the virtual width and height of the grid (by default: 100 x 100). You then packs the child UI components into the grid while setting their position and size based on the virtual size of the grid.

The grid-based relative layout can always fill the full screen in any device or any orientation. However, the size of the child UI components is changed based on the screen size.

Using Weight and Align Properties

To make a layout scalable with UI components, the UI components must be packed into a container using only the weight and align properties based on their minimum size. Do not resize the UI components directly using pixels.

The weight and align properties are associated with every elementary UI component, and they serve as hints for the container they are in. They tell the container how the UI component wants to occupy the space and pack itself with other UI components in the container.


You can set the weight property with the evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(x_weight, y_weight) function:

area to the UI component.

Weight hint__: Weight hint across multiple child UI components__:


You can set the align property with the evas_object_size_hint_align_set(x_align, y_align) function:

Scalability Menu