Go back to Efl.Gfx.Filters.

Since EFL 1.15 (August 2015)


In order to allow developers and designers to implement animations based on the filters, the state table gives enough information to the filter to implement a transition from one Edje state to another.

When used from Edje (ie. from EDC), the state table contains data about the current and next states of the part being filtered (TEXT or IMAGE).


state = {
   color = <interpolated color>,
   scale = <object scale>,
   pos   = <animation progress from 0 to 1,
   cur = {
      value = <constant state value defined in EDC>,
      name  = <state name defined in EDC>
   next = { 
      -- WARNING: next can be nil (when not in a transition)
      value = <constant state value defined in EDC>,
      name  = <state name defined in EDC>
   text = {
      -- WARNING: "text" is only valid for TEXT objects
      outline = <text outline color>,
      shadow  = <text shadow color>,
      glow    = <text glow color>,
      glow2   = <text glow color #2>