Genlist Set-up

Creating a Genlist

Call elm_genlist_add() to create a genlist. Then, new entries can be added. In this example, the basic windows is created first, then a genlist is added to it, and then 100 elements with text and a colored block on each side of it.

Evas_Object *list = elm_genlist_add(win);

Adding New Entries

Before adding new entries, it is necessary to build a basic item class.

Building a Basic Item Class

When adding an item, genlist_item_{append, prepend, insert} function needs item class of the item. Given callback parameters are used at retrieving {text, content} of added item. Set as NULL if it's not used. If there's no available memory, return can be NULL.

The code for the minimal genlist item class is below:

Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *_itc = elm_genlist_item_class_new();
_itc->item_style = "default";
_itc->func.text_get = NULL;
_itc->func.content_get = NULL;
_itc->func.state_get = NULL;
_itc->func.del = NULL;

It creates a simple item class, sets the item_style to “default” and every other field to NULL. However, this leaves out the text_get and content_get fields which are used to add text and an icon to the list entry. This is explained in another section.

Adding the Element

Once the genlist item class object is created, a new element is added to the list by calling elm_genlist_item_append().

   NULL,                    // Item data
   NULL,                    // Parent item for trees, NULL if none
   ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_NONE,   // Item type; this is the common one
   NULL,                    // Callback on selection of the item
   NULL                     // Data for that callback function

With most parameters as NULL and _itc having most of its members NULL, too, the elements of that list are blank and will not trigger anything when selected.

Text in the List Elements

Use text_get field to add text in the items in the Elm_Genlist_Item_Class structure.

_itc->func.text_get = text_get;

These callbacks must have a prototype matching to the following:

char * text_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);

This callback returns a C string that is displayed in the part named after the part parameter. This callback is called for each user-settable text part according to the current theme.

If you are not familiar with the concept of parts in the EFLs, read the Write a Simple EDC File section.

The value returned is freed by the EFLs: the value must be freshly-allocated, do not free it yourself and do not re-use it across list elements.

For the default theme there is one part named elm.text. A possible implementation of the text_get callback is therefore:

static char *
_genlist_text_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
   // Check this is text for the part we're expecting
   if (strcmp(part, "elm.text") == 0)
        return strdup("Some text");
   else return NULL;
The names and positions of parts depends on the item_style chosen when adding new items to the genlist. Setting a custom theme makes it possible to completely change genlists by adding and moving parts. The Edje guide explains how to do that.

It is possible to behave differently according to data that is given to the EFLs during the call to elm_genlist_item_append() in the data parameter. For example, given an integer in that field through casting with (void *)(uintptr_t) i, its value is got back using (int)(uintptr_t)data:

static char *
_genlist_text_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *part)
   if (strcmp(part, "elm.text") == 0)
        char *buf = malloc(16);
        snprintf(buf, 16, "Entry %d.", (int)(uintptr_t)data);
        return buf;
   else return NULL;
Evas_Object in the List Elements

Icons are added in a similar fashion: there is a callback named content_get which returns a pointer to an Evas_Object and is called for each part which contents can be set.

_itc->func.content_get = content_get;

The prototype of the callback must match this one:

Evas_Object * content_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);

The only difference with the text_get callback is that it returns an Evas_Object* rather than a char *.

This leads to a fairly simple dummy implementation with colored rectangles in the parts that are to be set:

static Evas_Object *
_genlist_content_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
   int i = (int) (uintptr_t) data;
   //the left part
   if (strcmp(part, "elm.swallow.icon") == 0)
        Evas_Object *bg = elm_bg_add(obj);
        elm_bg_color_set(bg, 255 * cos(i / (double) 10), 0, i % 255);
        return bg;
   //the right part
   else if (strcmp(part, "elm.swallow.end") == 0)
        Evas_Object *bg = elm_bg_add(obj);
        elm_bg_color_set(bg, 0, 255 * sin(i / (double) 10), i % 255);
        return bg;
   else return NULL;

For the default theme, this displays a red rectangle on the left of each list item and a green one on their right.

Event on Gentlist Items

Genlist items triggers a callback when clicked. This callback is chosen when adding the new item (for example, when calling elm_genlist_item_append()):

Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *_itc2 = elm_genlist_item_class_new();
_itc2->item_style        = "group_index";
_itc2->func.text_get     = _genlist_text_get;
_itc2->func.content_get  = _genlist_content_get;
_itc2->func.state_get    = NULL;
_itc2->func.del          = NULL;
   NULL,                    // item data
   NULL,                    // parent item for trees, NULL if none
   ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_NONE,   // item type, other values are used for trees
   _genlist_selected_cb,      // callback on selection of the item
   _itc2                     // data for that callback function

This callback adheres to the following prototype:

void _contact_selected_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)

The implementation below changes the item style of items when they are selected:

static void
_genlist_selected_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
    Elm_Object_Item *it = (Elm_Object_Item*) event_info;
    Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *itc2 = (Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *)data;
    //change to group index style
    elm_genlist_item_item_class_update(it, itc2);

The whole code: set-up_genlist.c

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