EFL Tutorials

If you are just beginning your journey into programming with the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL), then these tutorials will help you on your way. Designed for those who have prior programming experience but who have not necessarily used EFL before, the tutorials will walk you through writing programs which build on EFL from the basic - a traditional "Hello World" example - through to the more advanced.

If you have not yet done so, visit Developing with the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries for background on EFL and details on how to set up your development environment.

NOTE: The tutorials in this section use the latest Unified API, as noted in Developing with the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries. Versions of these tutorials written for the Legacy API can be found in the Legacy section of the website.


EFL is available for a variety of programming languages, enabling developers in a wide range of ecosystems to benefit from its features. Tutorials are currently available in the following languages: