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Grow and shrink

The grow function is used to apply morphology filters to a buffer.

At the moment, grow is implemented with a combinaison of blur and curve instead of a classical structuring element, which means that the growing and shrinking effects are not exactly the same as the mathematical dilation or erosion.
grow ({ radius, smooth = true, src = input, dst = output })
radius The radius of the grow kernel. If a negative value is specified, the contents will shrink rather than grow.
smooth If true, use a smooth transitions between black and white (smooth blur and smoother curve).
src Source buffer to blur.
dst Destination buffer for blending. This must be of same size and colorspace as src.
a = buffer { 'rgba' }
blend { dst = a }
grow { 6, src = a }

a = buffer { 'rgba' }
blend { dst = a }
grow { -4, src = a }