

The font family, filename and size for a given text object.

This property controls the font name and size of a text object. The font string has to follow fontconfig's convention for naming fonts, as it's the underlying library used to query system fonts by Evas (see the fc-list command's output, on your system, to get an idea). Alternatively, youe can use the full path to a font file.

To skip changing font family pass null as font family. To skip changing font size pass 0 as font size.

When reading it, the font name string is still owned by Evas and should not be freed. See also Efl.Text_Font.font_source.


  • font - The font family name or filename.
  • size - The font size, in points.

Overridden from Efl.Text_Font.font (get, set).


@property font @pure_virtual {
    get {}
    set {}
    values {
        font: string;
        size: Efl.Font.Size;

C signature

void efl_text_font_get(const Eo *obj, const char **font, Efl_Font_Size *size);
void efl_text_font_set(Eo *obj, const char *font, Efl_Font_Size size);

Implemented by