Efl.Canvas.Vg.Image (class)


Efl vector graphics image class


Efl.Canvas.Vg.Node (class)Efl.Object (class)

Full hierarchy


constructor [Overridden from Efl.Object]

Implement this method to provide optional initialization code for your object.
Efl_Object *efl_constructor(Eo *obj);

data (set)

void efl_canvas_vg_image_data_set(Eo *obj, void *pixels, Eina_Size2D size);

destructor [Overridden from Efl.Object]

Implement this method to provide deinitialization code for your object if you need it.
void efl_destructor(Eo *obj);


above (get)
below (get)
color (get, set) The general/main color of the given Evas object.
comp_method (set)
duplicate Creates a carbon copy of this object and returns it.
geometry (get, set) Rectangular geometry that combines both position and size.
interpolate Creates intermediary path part-way between two paths
invalidate Implement this method to perform special actions when your object loses its parent, if you need to.
lower_to_bottom Lower obj to the bottom of its layer.
name (get, set) The name of the object.
origin (get, set) The origin position of the node object.
parent (get, set) The parent of an object.
position (get, set) The 2D position of a canvas object.
raise_to_top Raise obj to the top of its layer.
size (get, set) The 2D size of a canvas object.
stack_above Stack obj immediately above
stack_below Stack obj immediately below
transformation (get, set) The transformation matrix to be used for this node object.
visible (get, set) The visibility of a canvas object.
color_code (get, set) Hexadecimal color code of given Evas object (#RRGGBBAA).
scale (get, set) The scaling factor of an object.
border_insets (get, set) Dimensions of this image's border, a region that does not scale with the center area.
border_insets_scale (get, set) Scaling factor applied to the image borders.
can_downscale (get, set) If true, the image may be scaled to a smaller size. If false, the image will never be resized smaller than its native size.
can_upscale (get, set) If true, the image may be scaled to a larger size. If false, the image will never be resized larger than its native size.
center_fill_mode (get, set) Specifies how the center part of the object (not the borders) should be drawn when EFL is rendering it.
content_hint (get, set) Content hint setting for the image. These hints might be used by EFL to enable optimizations.
content_region (get)
image_load_error (get)
image_size (get)
ratio (get)
scale_hint (get, set) The scale hint of a given image of the canvas.
scale_method (get, set) Determine how the image is scaled at render time.
smooth_scale (get, set) Whether to use high-quality image scaling algorithm for this image.
stretch_region (get, set) This property defines the stretchable pixels region of an image.
append_arc Append an arc that enclosed in the given rectangle (x, y, w, h). The angle is defined in counter clock wise , use -ve angle for clockwise arc.
append_arc_to Append an arc that connects from the current point int the point list to the given point (x,y). The arc is defined by the given radius in x-direction (rx) and radius in y direction (ry).
append_circle Append a circle with given center and radius.
append_close Closes the current subpath by drawing a line to the beginning of the subpath, automatically starting a new path. The current point of the new path is (0, 0).
append_cubic_to Adds a cubic Bezier curve between the current position and the given end point (x,y) using the control points specified by (ctrl_x0, ctrl_y0), and (ctrl_x1, ctrl_y1). After the path is drawn, the current position is updated to be at the end point of the path.
append_line_to Adds a straight line from the current position to the given end point. After the line is drawn, the current position is updated to be at the end point of the line.
append_move_to Moves the current point to the given point, implicitly starting a new subpath and closing the previous one.
append_quadratic_to Adds a quadratic Bezier curve between the current position and the given end point (x,y) using the control points specified by (ctrl_x, ctrl_y). After the path is drawn, the current position is updated to be at the end point of the path.
append_rect Append the given rectangle with rounded corner to the path.
append_scubic_to Same as Efl.Gfx.Path.append_cubic_to api only difference is that it uses the current control point to draw the bezier.
append_squadratic_to Same as Efl.Gfx.Path.append_quadratic_to api only difference is that it uses the current control point to draw the bezier.
append_svg_path Append SVG path data
bounds_get Compute and return the bounding box of the currently set path
commit Request to update the path object.
copy_from Copy the path data from the object specified.
current (get)
current_ctrl (get)
equal_commands Equal commands in object
length (get)
path (get, set) Set the list of commands and points to be used to create the content of path.
reserve Reserve path commands buffer in advance. If you know the count of path commands coming, you can reserve commands buffer in advance to avoid buffer growing job.
reset Reset the path data of the path object.
layer (get, set) The layer of its canvas that the given object will be part of.
allow_parent_unref (get, set) Allow an object to be deleted by unref even if it has a parent.
children_iterator_new Get an iterator on all children.
comment (get, set) A human readable comment for the object.
composite_attach Make an object a composite object of another.
composite_detach Detach a composite object from another object.
composite_part_is Check if an object is part of a composite object.
debug_name_override Build a read-only name for this object used for debugging.
event_callback_forwarder_del Remove an event callback forwarder for a specified event and object.
event_callback_forwarder_priority_add Add an event callback forwarder that will make this object emit an event whenever another object (source) emits it. The event is said to be forwarded from source to this object.
event_callback_stop Stop the current callback call.
event_freeze Freeze events of this object.
event_freeze_count (get)
static event_global_freeze Globally freeze events for ALL EFL OBJECTS.
static event_global_freeze_count (get)
static event_global_thaw Globally thaw events for ALL EFL OBJECTS.
event_thaw Thaw events of object.
finalize Implement this method to finish the initialization of your object after all (if any) user-provided configuration methods have been executed.
finalized (get)
invalidated (get)
invalidating (get)
name_find Find a child object with the given name and return it.
provider_find Searches upwards in the object tree for a provider which knows the given class/interface.
provider_register Will register a manager of a specific class to be answered by Efl.Object.provider_find.
provider_unregister Will unregister a manager of a specific class that was previously registered and answered by Efl.Object.provider_find.



position,changed Object was moved, its position during the event is the new one.
size,changed Object was resized, its size during the event is the new one.
visibility,changed Object's visibility state changed, the event value is the new state.
image,preload_state,changed If true, image data has been preloaded and can be displayed. If false, the image data has been unloaded and can no longer be displayed.
image,resized Image was resized (its pixel data). The event data is the image's new size.
stacking,changed Object stacking was changed.
del Object is being deleted. See Efl.Object.destructor.
destruct Object has been fully destroyed. It can not be used beyond this point. This event should only serve to clean up any reference you keep to the object.
invalidate Object is being invalidated and losing its parent. See Efl.Object.invalidate.
noref Object has lost its last reference, only parent relationship is keeping it alive. Advanced usage.
ownership,shared Object has acquired a second reference. It has multiple owners now. Triggered whenever increasing the refcount from one to two, it will not trigger by further increasing the refcount beyond two.
ownership,unique Object has lost a reference and only one is left. It has just one owner now. Triggered whenever the refcount goes from two to one.