Efl.Gfx.Arrangement (interface)


This interface provides methods for manipulating how contents are arranged within a container, providing more granularity for content positioning.

Since 1.23


content_align (get, set)

This property determines how contents will be aligned within a container if there is unused space.
void efl_gfx_arrangement_content_align_get(const Eo *obj, double *align_horiz, double *align_vert);
void efl_gfx_arrangement_content_align_set(Eo *obj, double align_horiz, double align_vert);

content_padding (get, set)

This property determines the space between a container's content items.
void efl_gfx_arrangement_content_padding_get(const Eo *obj, unsigned int *pad_horiz, unsigned int *pad_vert);
void efl_gfx_arrangement_content_padding_set(Eo *obj, unsigned int pad_horiz, unsigned int pad_vert);
