

Reads chunk size property, in bytes.

When reading the Efl.Io.Buffered_Stream.inner_io for data to be placed in input queue use this as chunk size.

Setting this value large enough may reduce number of Efl.Io.Reader.read, improving performance at the expense of more memory consumption.

This value is limited by Efl.Io.Buffered_Stream.max_queue_size_input if it's set.

By default it's 4096.


  • size - This is the chunk size to use for read operations


Sets chunk size for each basic Efl.Io.Reader.read operation.

Overridden from Efl.Io.Buffered_Stream.read_chunk_size (get, set).


@property read_chunk_size {
    get {}
    set {}
    values {
        size: size;

C signature

size_t efl_io_buffered_stream_read_chunk_size_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_io_buffered_stream_read_chunk_size_set(Eo *obj, size_t size);

Implemented by