

Number of maximum concurrent clients allowed by the server.

If reject_excess is set to true, then the connection will be accepted and immediately closed.

If reject_excess is set to false (default), then accept(2) won't be called and clients will be queued at the kernel side, usually up to 4096 pending clients.

Whenever changed, this property will only apply to new connections, that is, if the current connection count already exceeds the limit, no connections will be closed.


  • limit - Number of allowed client connections
  • reject_excess - If true connection is accepted and immediately closed

Overridden from Efl.Net.Server.clients_limit (get, set).


@property clients_limit @pure_virtual {
    get {}
    set {}
    values {
        limit: uint;
        reject_excess: bool @optional;

C signature

void efl_net_server_clients_limit_get(const Eo *obj, unsigned int *limit, Eina_Bool *reject_excess);
void efl_net_server_clients_limit_set(Eo *obj, unsigned int limit, Eina_Bool reject_excess);

Implemented by