

This will listen to the standard "click" events on an object, and emit the appropriate events through the Efl.Input.Clickable interface.

Using these methods widgets do not need to listen to the object events. This class does it and calls the correct clickable functions.

The handled events are Efl.Input.Interface.pointer,up and Efl.Input.Interface.pointer,down.


bind_clickable_to_object @static {
    params {
        @in object: Efl.Input.Interface;
        @in clickable: Efl.Input.Clickable;

C signature

void efl_ui_action_connector_bind_clickable_to_object(Efl_Input_Interface *object, Efl_Input_Clickable *clickable);


  • object (in) - The object to listen on.
  • clickable (in) - The object to call the clickable methods on.

Implemented by