
Struct that is returned by the function callbacks.


  • range - The range of items to fill into @.memory. The length of memory must be bigger or equal to the requested items
  • cache_request - Indicate if this request is made for caching or displaying. If it's for caching, the data-provider will fill in approximations, instead of doing heavy lifting from some back-end. If this is not a caching call, the exact size should be requested and delivered at some later point.


struct Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Size_Call_Config {
    range: Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Request_Range;
    cache_request: bool;

C signature

typedef struct _Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Size_Call_Config {
    Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Request_Range range;
    Eina_Bool cache_request;
} Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Size_Call_Config;