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Panes Container

A panes widget adds a draggable bar between two sections of content. The sections are resized when the bar is dragged.

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Creating a Panes

To create a panes widget, use the elm_panes_add() function:

Evas_Object *panes = elm_panes_add(parent);

Adding Content to the Panes

To add content to the panes, use the elm_object_part_content_set() function. The following code adds an object to the left pane:

elm_object_part_content_set(panes, "left", obj);

Here, the Default content parts of the panes widget that you can use are:

If panes are displayed vertically, left content will be displayed on top.

Setting Panes Options

To set the orientation of the panes, use the elm_panes_horizontal_set() function.

To set the size of the panes, use the elm_panes_content_left_size_set() and elm_panes_content_right_size_set() functions.


The panes widget emits the following signals:

A Panes Example

Container Menu