Hints for an object's alignment.
These are hints on how to align an object inside the boundaries of a container/manager. Accepted values are in the 0.0 to 1.0 range.
For the horizontal component, 0.0 means the start of the axis in the direction that the current language reads, 1.0 means the end of the axis.
For the vertical component, 0.0 to the top, 1.0 means to the bottom.
This is not a size enforcement in any way, it's just a hint that should be used whenever appropriate.
Since 1.22
Overridden from Efl.Gfx.Hint.hint_align (get, set).
@property hint_align @pure_virtual { get {} set {} values { x: double; y: double; } }
void efl_gfx_hint_align_get(const Eo *obj, double *x, double *y); void efl_gfx_hint_align_set(Eo *obj, double x, double y);