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Fill a buffer with a specific color. Does not blend, can be used to clear a buffer.

This function should preferrably be used only for debugging purposes.
fill ({ dst = output, color = 'transparent', l = 0, r = 0, t = 0, b = 0 })
dst Target buffer to fill with color.
color The color used to fill the buffer. All pixels within the fill area will be reset to this value. See Colors.
l Left padding: skip l pixels from the left border of the buffer.
r Right padding: skip r pixels from the right border of the buffer.
t Top padding: skip t pixels from the top border of the buffer.
b Bottom padding: skip b pixels from the bottom border of the buffer.
fill { color = 'darkblue' }

fill { output, 'blue', 5, 10, 20, 50 }
blend { color = 'silver' }