

The current value of a clock object.

Year: years since 1900. Negative value represents year below 1900 (year value -30 represents 1870). Year default range is from 70 to 137.

Month: default value range is from 0 to 11.

Date: default value range is from 1 to 31 according to the month value.

Hour: default value will be in terms of 24 hr format (0~23)

Minute: default value range is from 0 to 59.


  • curtime - Time structure containing the time value.


@property time {
    get {}
    set {}
    values {
        curtime: Efl.Time;

C signature

Efl_Time efl_ui_clock_time_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_ui_clock_time_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Time curtime);

Implemented by