

Position of the thumb (the draggable zone) inside the scrollbar. It is calculated based on current position of the viewport inside the total content.


  • posx - Value between 0.0 (the left side of the thumb is touching the left edge of the widget) and 1.0 (the right side of the thumb is touching the right edge of the widget).
  • posy - Value between 0.0 (the top side of the thumb is touching the top edge of the widget) and 1.0 (the bottom side of the thumb is touching the bottom edge of the widget).

Overridden from Efl.Ui.Scrollbar.bar_position (get, set).


@property bar_position @pure_virtual {
    get {}
    set {}
    values {
        posx: double;
        posy: double;

C signature

void efl_ui_scrollbar_bar_position_get(const Eo *obj, double *posx, double *posy);
void efl_ui_scrollbar_bar_position_set(Eo *obj, double posx, double posy);

Implemented by